  • 學位論文


Rise and Decline of the "Six-surname Clan" in Tungkeng Village, Lieyu Township, Kinmen County

指導教授 : 陳中民


金門有一百多個宗族村落,是華南福建廣東兩省宗族組織盛行的延伸。華南的強宗大族(lineage)係由父系血緣繼嗣成員所組成。華南還有另一種沒有明確血緣關係的宗族組織,稱做 “聯宗組織(clan)”,是由泛血緣關係的同姓團體組成,或是由追溯到同一血緣的異姓團體所組成。然而金門烈嶼鄉(俗稱小金門)下東坑村落的 “六姓宗族” 卻是由六個(陳、蔡、林、孫、杜、程)沒有血緣關係的異姓團體所組成,大異於華南宗族組織或聯宗組織的組成原則。六姓宗族雖是聯宗組織,卻以漢人的宗族組織的法則運作,形成一個關係緊密的擬親團體。 六姓宗族聯宗建立於清光緒初期,至今一百四十年。其成立之初,有當時邊疆社會環境的需求,有中國人的孝道觀念,還有金門盛行的宗祠和宗族制度之影響。這一個異姓聯宗組織成立之後有擴大聯宗的情事。由於「贈禮—受禮—回報」的互惠互助的精神,加上村中有競爭的對手,使六姓宗族能團結一致,共同度過清末民國時代的落番期、日本佔領期、反共前線的軍事管制期等,延續至今。今日,金門由於人口大量外移台灣,導致宗族組織衰落,六姓宗族也不例外,只剩三姓族人居住於東坑。六姓宗族的興盛期與衰落期有明顯的對比和差異。為了因應宗族衰落,他們做了改變:成立 “公司”,並與上東坑的昔日對手合作,參與「東坑社區發展協會」,又擴大與鄰村合作,使六姓宗族在衰落中仍能維持宗族的功能和運作。尤其東坑社區屢屢得獎,讓 “東坑認同感” 延伸到台灣北部的兩個宗族族人,使六姓族人的新移居地與原鄉東坑有了連結。 祖先崇拜儀式是每個宗族的大事,傳統上由宗族內各房支輪流負責春秋二祭,然而六姓宗族有不同的運作方式,因為六個異姓之間有倒房的,有戶數多的,有戶數少的,各姓情況不同。為了增加異姓之間的合作關係與凝聚力,六姓宗族長久以來實施「五人一組」的方式,眾家庭輪流主持一年四次(春分日、秋分日、冬至、除夕日)祭拜 “六姓祖” 的儀式,及過年時宗祠的送神、接神儀式。冬至 “吃祖” 活動至為重要,有凝聚及團結的象徵,亦由五人小組負責。此外,六姓宗族也取消冬至祭祖時相關的家戶 “做老頭、做新婚頭、做成丁頭” 以負責 “吃祖” 宴席的習俗,並且各家戶輪流參與 “吃祖” 並酌收費用。這些作法顯示六姓宗族在各姓長老們的集體領導之下,體恤到貧窮的家庭,以及追求宗族內部總體家戶之間的公平,而非追求各姓氏(或稱各房支)之間的公平。今日,六姓宗族雖改由「公司」統籌祭祖之事,但「五人一組」的模式仍保存下來。 總之,六姓宗族由異姓的地緣團體所組成的擬血緣組織,雖然是一個聯宗組織,卻具有更多漢人宗族組織的特質。藉由六姓宗族,我們可以看到漢人的宗族組織,或是聯宗組織,更豐富的樣貌


宗族 異姓聯宗 金門 聯宗祠


This thesis deals with a fictive kinship organization found in Tungkeng Village, Lieyu Township, Kinmen County in Fukien Province. Specifically, this fictive kinship organization takes the form and structure of a clan but its members come from six different surname groups, without any genealogical connection among them. This “Six-surname Clan,” so-named by the members, was founded in late Ching Dynasty and has been existing for more than 130 years. Members of this fictive kin group built an ancestor temple to house their ancestors without stipulating a fictive “common ancestor” for the entire group. Members of this six-surname group vowed to act “as if they were all siblings when they are of the same generation and as if they were fathers and sons when there was a generational difference.” Furthermore, it was also stipulated, when this fictive clan was first established, that the group should also be exogamous. The ethnographic information I have gathered clearly demonstrated that members of the six-surname group organized and conducted themselves as members of a clan organization. They performed four collective rituals annually to worship their respective ancestors and functioned as a clan in their local affairs.


lineage clan Kinmen ancestor temple


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