AT > LD > Top > TT > Foc。主題(Topic)都必須高於焦點(Focus)。以上排序也透過了汶水方言之疑問詞和模態詞證實此排序。' /> On the Syntax of Topic in Mayrinax Atayal: A View from Cartographic Approach = 汶水泰雅語之主題化研究:以製圖理論分析|Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
  • 學位論文

On the Syntax of Topic in Mayrinax Atayal: A View from Cartographic Approach


指導教授 : 蔡維天


透過製圖理論,本論文主要研究苗栗縣泰安鄉泰雅語汶水方言之主題化現象。本論文主要有三個目的:第一,整理並將所有主題(Topic)分類。第二,透過製圖理論,將分類後主題排序。第三,探討主題化之結構。本文前兩章為泰雅語汶水方言簡介以及文獻回顧。第三章介紹並分類汶水方言之主題,並給予排序;第四章提供汶水方言的疑問詞,目的是為了舉證主題排序的規律性;第五章提供一些汶水方言之模態詞,進一步舉證汶水方言之主題的排列與規律性。第六章再次詳細並統整經過移位(A'-movement)之主題。第七章介紹孤島限制,並介紹非移位(Non A'-movement/Base-generation)之主題。第八章探討主題化之結構。第九章總結。 本論文總共分類出三大類主題 (Topic)。第一類為Fronted Topic(FT),此類經歷移位 (A'-movement)。此又細分為Topic(Top)和Temporal Topic(TT)。第二類為Contrastive Topic,此非經歷移位(Non A'-movement/ Base-generation);語意上,跟其他主題形成對比。第三類為Discourse Topic(DT),此也非經歷移位(Non A'-movement/Base-generation);語意上,並沒有跟其他主題形成對比。此又細分為Left Dislocation(LD),Aboutness Topic(AT),以及Concerning Topic(CNT)。Left Dislocation(LD)會有resumptive pronoun 跟主題(LD)共指。Aboutness Topic (AT)又細分為the Whole-part Topic (WPT) 和the Possessive Topic (PT)。WPT跟他的resumptive pronoun 會形成整體和部分的關係; 而PT跟他的resumptive pernoun 是形成所屬關係。CNT主要是引入新的話題,成為comment 裡的主題。最後,帶有ani 型式的詞組,將它歸類為焦點(Focus),跟以上主題不同的是此必須出現在FocP,不可以留在原位。 透過製圖理論,將分類後的主題跟焦點,做出高低/順序之分。在汶水方言中,主題(Topic)跟焦點(Focus)的等級為:CNT > AT > LD > Top > TT > Foc。主題(Topic)都必須高於焦點(Focus)。以上排序也透過了汶水方言之疑問詞和模態詞證實此排序。


汶水泰雅語 主題 製圖理論


The paper aims to explore the topic field in Mayrinax Atayal as compared to Mandarin Chinese, Squliq Atayal, Seediq, and Tsou. Syntactically, there are two types of topic in Mayrinax Atayal: A’-movement and Base-generation/Non A’-movement. Topic related to A’-movement is called Fronted Topic (FT) which is sub-divided into Topic (Top), Temporal Topic (TT), and VP-fronting. On the other hand, Topic involved in base-geneation is called discourse Topic (DT), which contains Left Dislocation (LD), Aboutness Topic (AT), Contrastive Topic (CT), and concerning topic (CNT). In addition, the element introduced by the ani marker is analyzed as focus (Foc). Topic (Top) means that only absolutive argument can undergo A’-movement, leaving a trace in the matrix clause. Temporal topic (TemP) refers to an temporal adverbial that is topicalized and leaves a trace in the matrix clause. Left dislocation (LD) stands for an ergative argument which can be topicalized, with the occurrence of resumptive pronoun co-indexed with the topicalized element. Aboutness topic (AT) is not the argument of the matrix verb. Concerning topic (CNT) illustrates a new topic of the following conversation. Following Badan and Gobbo (2010), aboutness topic (AT) can be sub-divided into two types: the whole-part topic (WPT) and the possessive topic (PT). The whole-part topic (WPT) means the topic is the whole kind of things and its resumptive pronoun is one part of it. Therefore, it forms the relation between the whole concept in the topic position and part one in the matrix clause. Unlike left dislocation (LD) , it is not the argument of the matrix verb but LD is. As for the possessive topic (PT) , it is the modifier of the resumptive pronoun, but it is topicalized rather than contained within the noun phrase in the matrix clause. Besides, the contrastive topic (CT) should occur in the pseudo-cleft structure,whose interpretation is applied to make a contrast to another. At last, ani marker can be used in two ways: even and indefinite reading. Both of which fall under Focus (Foc) In my thesis, I propose that syntactically, topic involved in A’-movement should be lower than Topic involved in base-generation: Discourse Topic (DT) > Fronted Topic (FT). With the cartographic approach, the hierarchy between topic and focus is CNT > AT > LD > Top > TemT > Foc. In addition, the topic field in Mayrinax Atayal should be higher than Focus. Evidence will be offered to support my thesis like modals and verbal interrogatives why. All of which reveal the fact that discourse topic (DT) should be higher than fronted topic (FT).


Mayrinax Atayal topic Cartographic Approach


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