  • 學位論文


Investigation on Mobile Assisted Chinese Learning as a Foreign Language - The Needs of Learning Application on CFL Learners

指導教授 : 劉宜君


科技改變了人們的學習方式,尤其今日行動裝置使用普遍,不但提供多元的學習途徑,並讓學習可以突破時空,形成了行動學習(mobile learning)。為瞭解華語學習者使用行動學習之需求與動機,本研究以Keller的ARCS動機理論為基礎,進行量化研究,了解學習者的認知與經驗,期能提供華語文專業與相關產業具體的證據。研究方法囊括內容分析法與問卷調查法。先於Android系統的Google Play及iOS系統的App Store中,調查行動市場中所提供的華語學習應用程式;接著以問卷方式,分四個構面:包括注意力、相關性、信心度,和滿意度,探知應用程式是否會影響華語文學習者之學習動機。 以「Chinese Learning」為關鍵詞在兩大行動作業系統中搜得345個應用程式,依照功能主要分為九類:發音教學類、漢字學習類、詞彙/片語學習類、語法類、閱讀類、綜合學習類、遊戲類、工具類、社群類。從各功能所提供的程式數量得知,詞彙/片語學習類相關程式最多(42%),其次為綜合學習類(23.8%),第三則為工具類程式(15.1%)。至於學習者之問卷回覆一共71份,扣除無效問卷,實得有效問卷68份。從統計結果中顯示,學習者下載最多的程式類別為工具類(47.1%),其次為綜合學習類(32.4%),其餘皆未及6%,結果與市場能提供之類別數量相似,唯詞彙類別程式之使用未反應市場可供給之數量比例。華語學習者對於以應用程式學習之動機與使用意願並不顯著;從國籍、第一語言、使用行動裝置的時間、學習華語的時間四個變數深入探討,其動機仍不顯著,得知學習者普遍認為行動學習無法取代實體課堂之互動。此外,從受試者列舉的需求中發現,學習者希望可以透過應用程式提升詞彙相關能力、增加練習機會、加強語法與寫作能力。然與市場之供給情況比較,得知目前仍缺少語法與寫作練習相關之應用程式。 基於研究結果與發現,建議程式開發者應思考如何強化應用程式的功能,以提高學習者自主學習的動機;其次,開發語法、寫作與社群互動相關之學習程式或平台,以滿足學習者之需求;第三、注意應用程式的廣告與關鍵詞的選擇,使學習者能更方便地尋得需要的學習程式;第四、學習者、開發者、教師應有更多的互動與了解,以創造更多合適的學習應用程式,提高華語文之學習效能。


Technology has changed the way that people learn greatly. Portable devices, in particular, provide learners broader channels to access learning resources without time and space constraints. Such mobile learning enables learners to participate in education activities at any time and place. The purpose of this study was to investigate learners' motivation and needs toward Chinese learning applications (Apps). Two research methods were involved: content analysis and quantative research. First, the keyword “Chinese learning” was used to search in two major application systems, Google Play and App Store, to discover the amount and categories of related learning Apps. Second, based on Keller’s ARCS Motivation Model, the study designed a questionnaire with four constructs, attention, relation, confidence, and satisfaction, to collect quantitative data from CFL learners. There were 345 Apps found which could be categorized into nine main types: pronunciation, characters, vocabulary/phrase, grammar, reading, comprehensive learning, game-based, tool-based, and social community. The types of vocabulary/phrase, comprehensive learning, and tool-based were the top three most common types of applications. As to the survey, there were total 71 responses, though three of them were invalid. The type of Apps that the participants downloaded the most was tool-based, such as dictionary and translation, and the second was the comprehensive learning. Their motivation toward learning through Apps was not significant enough. Thus, the study further explored the influence of four variables: nationality, first language, time spending in Apps learning, and experiences of learing Chinese. However, there was still no significant relationship among the four variables and learners’ motivation. The results imply that the CFL learners prefer actual classroom interaction to mobile learning. The current Apps in the market still cannot meet learner needs. Lots of participants in the study, for example, need addtitional practice on grammar while they could not find one practical applicaton that could meet their needs. The finding implies that Apps developers need to have more interaction with CFL professionals so as to create the Apps that could properly suit Chinese learning and also enhance learning efficiency.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review, 84(2), 191.
一、 英文
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. W H Freeman/Times Books/ Henry Holt & Co.
