  • 學位論文


Sex and Civilization: The Discourse of Ai and Yin in Nam Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận in Early Modern Vietnam and the Imperialist Imaginary of the Perfect Human Beings

指導教授 : 劉人鵬 丁乃非


《男女交合附論》是中國清末學者憂亞子於1901 年翻譯自美國人法烏羅所著《男女交合新論》的中譯本,後經越南儒家學者喬塋懋(Kiều Oánh Mậu)編輯整理,於1903年在越南河内出版。十九世紀末二十世紀初,越南成爲法國殖民地後,若干暴力革命起義被鎮壓,越南知識分子選擇另一條反法國殖民路綫為進行社會改革,「開民智, 振民氣」成爲此時期的最大目標。爲了學習西方科學知識以及走向現代、文明,大量西方與日本著作的中文翻本進入越南市場而被稱爲「新書」。《男女交合附論》此時被歸爲「新書」一類,帶去了第一批關於通俗性科學的資料,也是越南當時唯一一本以漢文撰寫的生理衛生書。目前的研究普遍著眼於該書在越南醫學現代化過程中的地位和作用。本論文從女性主義研究的角度出發,討論書中愛情與欲望如何成爲性治理的實踐,個人情感、道德、身體如何被工具化、理想化、政治化。論文以《男女交合附論》中「愛、淫論」為主要討論對象,追尋現代性別研究領域常用詞匯的社會、歷史層面上之意義,譬如「性」未翻成「sex」時,「情欲」在書中如何被「淫」取代。 本論文也將該書的傳播路綫不僅歸爲日、中、越三地而進一步跨到歐美地區。被視爲是「西風東漸」的「西方科學」值得成爲討論議題。所謂十九世紀末二十世紀初「帝國主義」不只限於歐美帝國或亞洲新崛起帝國日本。漢字文化圈舊帝國中國雖自十九世紀逐漸衰弱,但中華形象與古典中文對東亞文化圈知識分子的影響力仍然存在。舊帝國與新帝國影響力的交爭場合之一是越南。越南當時一方面受到儒家思想與中國科舉制度影響深刻。另一方面,自成爲法國殖民地後,面對社會改良需求,亦受到殖民政府的强迫性改革。由「帝國主義」影響之下所形成的優越人種構想成爲了衛生書籍中核心主題之一。身體與國家、情感與種族、生育與文明之間的關係不僅停留在公與私、個體與群體的互動。這些關係也反映了新、舊帝國與越南的知識分子在此時代如何尋找自己的位置,以及他們對「完美人種」的想象和期待。


By the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Vietnamese society struggled for independence and fought against the French colonial empire. Due to armed uprisings' failures, Vietnamese patriots and intellectuals sought social reform as the alternative means of anti-colonialism. Modernization took place in every aspect of culture, politics, and society, including the health sector. A significant quantity of Chinese editions of Western and Japanese books was imported into Vietnam under the category of Tân Thư (新書). Nam Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận 《男女交合附論》is one of those Tân Thư circulated at the time. Its publication marked the first time Western scientific knowledge of sexology was introduced into Vietnam. Previous readings on Nam Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận examine the book within the modernization process of traditional Vietnamese medicine. With this thesis, I would like to read Nam Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận from the perspective of gender studies and sex governance. The thesis analyses the Discourse of Ai (愛), which means love, and Yin (淫), which indicates “sex,” to figure out the ideal men and women the book desires to create. This study examines the social, historical, and political meanings of affection, sexual desire, reproduction, and personal body, usually considered the individual realm. In a larger context of imperialism during the 19th and 20th centuries, it is necessary to see the relation between love, sex, and civilization. The definitions of appropriate and inappropriate Ai and Yin reflect how the binaries between backwardness and modernity, the colonizers and colonized, the superior race, and the inferior race were created and taken for granted. The perfect human beings depicted in Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận and its English original version, Creative and Sexual Science: or Manhood, Womanhood, and Their Mutual Interrelations; Love, its Laws, Power, etc.… written by the American Phrenologist O.S. Fowler, could be linked to the effect of imperialism on a global scale during the historical period of Early Modern. The circulation of knowledge in its material forms throughout Europe, the U.S., Japan, China, and Vietnam is worthwhile. The tension between new and old empires, the unequal relations between the East and the West would be revealed through how an imaginary of the perfect race is produced and spread worldwide.


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