  • 學位論文


Investigating Middle-School Students’ Performance for Visualizations of Word Problems of Linear Equations

指導教授 : 林勇吉


本研究旨在探討國中生對一元一次方程式文字題與圖像化問題之解題表現與偏好。為了解學生對不同情境呈現方式在理解及解決數學問題的表現與差異,並比較學生的偏好與原因,研究者以桃園市及新竹縣各一所學校共71位學生為樣本,以線上問卷的方式進行資料收集,學生隨機分為代數文字題試卷、圖像化問題試卷以及圖文問題試卷等三組進行問卷填答。試卷共有八題不同情境類型之一元一次方程式試題,內容分為第一部分的題意理解與解題以及第二部分的偏好選擇與原因。 研究結果如下: 一、在大部分的情境類型中,圖像化問題能幫助國中一年級學生對一元一次方程式問題的題意有較佳的理解。 二、並非每一種問題類型以圖像化問題的方式呈現都能獲得較好的解題成效。對於不同類型問題情境,每組學生的表現有所不同。 三、對於不同情境類型,多數學生較偏好以圖像方式呈現問題內容。然而學生對於所有問題的呈現方式並非單一偏好,會因為問題類型的不同而有不同選擇。 四、對於不同問題呈現方式偏好的原因,多數偏好以文字呈現情境的學生認為文字題在解題計算上能提供較大的幫助;偏好以圖像呈現情境的學生則認為圖像化問題在理解題意上較為容易。


The purpose of this study is to investigate middle-school students’ performance for visualizations of word problems of linear equations. In order to understand students’ performance and differences in understanding and solving math problems in different ways of presenting situations, and to compare students’ preferences and reasons, the researcher took 71 students from one school each in Taoyuan City and Hsinchu County as samples and collected data using online questionnaire.There are eight questions with different type of situstions in the questionnaire. The content is divided into two parts: the first part of understanding and problem solving, and the second part of preference and reasons. The results of this study are as follows: 1. In most types of situations, visualizations can help middle-school students have a better understanding of the meaning of linear equation word problems. 2. Not every situation be presented with a graphical problem can achieve better problem-solving results. For different types of problem situations, the performance of each group of students is different. 3. For different types of situations, most students prefer to present problem content in images. However, students do not have a single preference for the presentation of all questions, they have different choices due to different types of questions. 4. As for the reasons for the preference of different problem presentation methods, most students who prefer to present the situation in words think that word problems can provide great help in solving problems; Students who prefer to present the situation with images think that the visualization problem is easier to understand the meaning of the topic.


