  • 學位論文

行動智慧導向的校長課程領導與 校訂課程發展之研究

Research on wisdom for action-oriented approaches toward principals developing curriculum leadership and school- developed curriculum

指導教授 : 林志成


本研究透過「覺↔知↔行↔思」的行動歷程,發展行動智慧導向的校長課程領導與108新課綱之國民中學階段校訂課程方案,透過行動研究的歷程,梳理準備階段、實踐階段與省思階段的困境,並發展因應困境的可行策略與方法,透過校訂課程發展的契機,提升教師專業發展及學生學習效益,並系統性思考解決校務推動的問題。透過校長課程領導與校訂課程發展的同時進行,歷經前導學校三年時間發展出兩階段滾動修正的校訂課程架構、以及五個課程行動方案,以行動智慧理論為體,行動研究方法為用,交互實踐提出結論與建議:一、行動智慧導向的校長課程領導與校訂課程發展,可以解決困境、創發策略,包括:(一)校訂課程發展三階段行動歷程。(二)校訂課程發展兩種實踐路徑。(三)校訂課程研發的兩種工作模式。(四)校長課程領導的四階段任務。(五)校長課程領導的八個行動策略。(六)校訂課程推動的八個工作面向。(七)校訂課程推動的六十四個工作內容。二、行動智慧導向的校長課程領導可以提升教師專業與校務工作的發展:(一)建構校長課程領導的心智模式與領導知能。(二)建構校長課程領導的工作內容及可行策略。(三)轉化教師團隊心智模式帶動組織專業成長。三、行動智慧導向的校訂課程發展可以啟發學生潛能營造學校本位特色:(一)發展系統性的課程架構與脈絡。(二)建立循環修正的課程發展機制。(三)建立課程模組與課程方案供參。 透過行動智慧導向的校長課程領導與校訂課程行動研究互為搭配,能有效達成教師專業成長、學生學習提升、校務行政推動的三贏,並對教育行政機關、師培機構、國中校長、中學教師及未來研究方向提出建議,期望能提供課程領導推動與校訂課程發展的校長、主任們作為實踐參考。


Based on the processes of “Awareness↔Knowing↔Action↔Reflection” this paper proposes wisdom for action-oriented approaches toward principals assuming curriculum leadership and school-developed curriculum for junior high schools under the 108 (Year 2019) Curriculum Guidelines. The action research method is used to consolidate the challenges that are faced at the preparatory, practical, and reflective stages in order to devise feasible strategies and methods to overcome those challenges. The development of school curriculum also presents opportunities to elevate the professional development of teachers; enhance students’ learning benefits; and systematically resolve issues with school administration. The simultaneous promotion of principals assuming curriculum leadership and advancement of a school-developed curriculum in a pilot school for 3 years yielded a two-stage framework for introducing revisions to the school-developed curriculum on a rolling basis and five action plans for curriculum development. Integrating the theory of wisdom for action and the application of action research methods, the following conclusions and suggestions are proposed: 1. Principals assuming curriculum leadership and school-developed curriculum that are oriented toward wisdom for action can resolve challenges and spur strategies, including the following: i) three-stage process for designing school-developed curriculum; ii) two practical routes for designing school-developed curriculum; iii) two operational models for researching and designing school-developed curriculum; iv) four-stage tasks for the principal as curriculum leader; v) eight action plans for the principal as curriculum leader; vi) eight operational aspects for the driving of school-developed curriculum; and vii) 64 operational activities for driving school-developed curriculum. 2. Principals assuming curriculum leadership that is oriented toward wisdom for action can elevate the professional development of teachers and strengthen school administration, via: i) the development of the mental model and leadership competency of principals as curriculum leaders; ii) the development of operational activities and feasible strategies for principals as curriculum leaders; and iii) the transformation of teachers’ team mentality to beget professional organizational growth. 3. A school-developed curriculum that is oriented toward wisdom for action can stimulate students’ potential and shape the school’s distinctive identity, via: i) a systematic course structure and outline; ii) a course development mechanism that considers feedback and revisions; and iii) a course model and methodology that can be used as reference. principals curriculum leadership and school-developed curriculum that are oriented toward action for wisdom is compatible with action research; such an approach is capable of elevating the professional development of teachers, enhancing student learning, and strengthening school administration. This paper has also provided suggestions for educational administration bodies, teacher training institutions, junior high principals and teachers, as well as future research directions. It is hoped that this paper will serve as a practical reference to principals and heads of teaching departments in the area of curriculum leadership and school-developed curriculum.


