  • 學位論文


Taiwanese Academics in China: Migration, Works, and Policies

指導教授 : 沈秀華


中華人民共和國福建省因為與臺灣鄰近的地緣優勢,為推動建設海峽西岸經濟區與對臺灣的政治宣傳,以2009年發布的《國務院關於支持福建省加快建設海峽西岸經濟區的若干意見》為法源,出台兩岸經濟與文化等各方面的政策。其中,文化與教育面向除了推動閩臺合辦高校以及師資培訓,福建省也積極招攬臺灣的學術工作者前往就職。從初期吸引臺籍博士到福建省的博士後流動站工作,至近期以招聘高校全職教師為主,目前每年度以百名計的臺籍學術工作者、博士生西進中國高校,引發媒體關注。根據2019年中國官方統計,目前約1600餘名臺籍教師在中國各地高校任職,而臺灣官方至今尚未能精確統計與掌握本國學術工作者西進的確切人數。 本研究以福建省作為田野地,訪談該地區以及鄰近省分的臺籍學術工作者,欲了解他們為什麼選擇到中國謀求教職?在遷移的過程中又有哪些考量?我借鏡移民研究中跨國主義的視角,立基於過往臺商、臺幹以及高技術工作者遷移至中國的研究脈絡,以巴格內(D.J.Bagne)人口推拉理論探究兩岸社會與學術環境潛藏的推力(push)與拉力(pull)。透過描繪工作者求職、赴中後的勞動狀況,以及往返中臺之間的移動安排,我的研究發現,臺灣本土高等教育沒有能容納更多學術工作者所造成的遷移推力效應,對臺籍學術工作者的影響更甚中國釋出的政策誘因。而中國在語言條件與學術人際網絡的貼近,是部分工作者選擇轉往中國高校求職開始的主要因素。中國中央與地方政府雖然出台了多項針對臺灣的高層次人才引進措施,但實施狀況與成效並不如想像中完善。中國高校與臺灣的大學對人事聘任、工作評鑑、教育以及學術環境等制度性差異,加諸臺籍學術工作者對親密關係以及職涯的考量,都影響了其西進中國後的生活與遷移考量,多數的工作者仍透過中臺往返的過程維繫在臺的學術網絡,仍希望有機會能返回臺灣的高等教育環境任職。


This study explores why and how some Taiwanese academics have decided to migrate to China to work at high education settings in recent years, what their working and social life have been there, and what they have planned for their further steps as academics and as migrants. Fujian Province, geographically close to Taiwan and assigned as a special area by Chinese government for promoting special relations with Taiwan has accommodated a good proportion of Taiwanese academics in China. I took Fujian as my primary research site but also conducted some research in Taiwan. I interviewed Taiwanese academics who worked in Fujian Province and neighboring provinces. According to formal Chinese statistical data in 2019, there was almost 1600 Taiwanese academics ranging from postdoctoral fellows to full-time professors working in China's universities. I found that the push and pull theory, developed by D.J. Bagne, fit well to explain how some Taiwanese academics decided to migrate to China for work. Limited job opportunities in Taiwan have pushed those academics to look for jobs elsewhere. The shared language and close academic networks between Taiwan and China have made China as a appealing destination at least when trying to secure a job. Interestingly, Chinese preferable recruitment polices were not the primary reasons for attracting Taiwanese academics to China. The migratory trajectory for Taiwanese academics in China is still unclear. A few of my interviewees decided to stay in China for good, but a large number of them plan to find opportunities to return to Taiwan in the future. Family arrangement, the working condition in China, and the political tensions between Taiwan and China are major factors affecting their experiences in China and future migratory plans.


