  • 學位論文

國中試行英語適性分組教學之研究 -以金門縣A國中為例

A Study of English Adaptive Ability Grouping Instruction in Junior High School – A Case Study of A Junior High School in Kinmen County

指導教授 : 詹惠雪


本研究旨在瞭解金門地區A國中試行英語適性分組教學的實施現況、學生 在參與適性分組教學後的學習知覺以及實施分組教學的困境與因應方式,採個案研究法,透過半結構式訪談及問卷調查資料蒐集相關資料。本研究結論如下: 壹、 實施英語適性分組教學之現況 一、 學校為解決學生英語程度落差大及借調教師的媒合而實施分組教學。 二、 依據前一學期段考成績平均及學習意願將學生分為B、C組,學生可彈性於組別間進行流動。 三、 教學上,B組教材以深化及差異化、C組教材以減量簡化為設計原則。 四、 師資皆為編制內員額,學校優先安排教學經驗豐富之正式教師教授C組。 五、 行政端善用校內空間與設備,並與教師保持雙向溝通。 貳、 實施英語適性分組教學後之學生學習知覺 一、 學生在英語學習動機與學習自我效能表現無顯著進步,但五成七學生認同學校實施英語適性分組教學。 二、 學生對自己學習的進步較無明顯感受,但五成以上的學生肯定教師的教學內容及方式。 三、 C組學生喜歡及肯定英語適性分組教學的實施。 參、 實施英語適性分組教學之困境與因應方式 一、 C組教師面臨備課量超載、時間不足,透過教師共備、教材共享做因應。 二、 教師難掌握定期評量命題難易度,學校藉由落實審題以解決問題。 三、 C組學生因基礎弱、信心低易放棄學習,教師會調整班級經營方式,以建立學生信心。 四、 B組學生易產生比較心態,教師會要求學生調整學習態度。 五、 分組教學排課不易、調動難,行政端先與教師達成共識,減少課務調動。 六、 離島地區優秀教師招聘不易,必要時學校以減少分組教學實施年段因應。   最後,研究者根據結論,提出對於教育行政機關、學校行政、教師教學及未來研究之建議。


This study aims to explore the implementation, the problems, the solutions of adaptive ability grouping instruction and students’ learning perception after the instruction in A Junior High School in Kinmen County. By the case study method, the study adopts both interviews and questionnaires to collect opinions and reports from administration staffs, teachers and students in A Junior High School. The results of the study are as follows: I. The implementation of adaptive ability grouping instruction 1. Introduced by the temporarily transferred teacher, A School implements the instruction to bridge the gap between students’ English ability. 2. Students are divided into group B and group C based on their previous average scores of sectional exams and their intention to learn English. Students can switch to the other group flexibly depending on their learning condition. 3. Teachers who teach group B broaden learning contents and apply differentiating instruction; teachers who teach group C reduce and simply learning contents. 4. All the English teacher are in the rationality of staffing structure. A School firstly assigns experienced formal teachers to teach group C. 5. School administrations offer proper teaching space and equipment to implement the instruction. They also have good communication with teachers. II. Students’ learning perception after adaptive ability grouping instruction 1. Students show no significant progress in English learning motivation and English learning self-efficacy after the instruction. However, fifty-seven percentage of students agree with the instruction. 2. Students don’t think they see much improvement in English grades, but half of them approve teachers’ teaching materials and methods. 3. Students from group C like and support adaptive ability grouping instruction. III. The problems and the solutions of adaptive ability grouping instruction 1. Teachers who teach group C spend much time modifying teaching materials, which overwhelms them. To solve the problem, teachers prepare lessons collaboratively. 2. Teachers have problems in designing sectional exams. To solve the problem, teachers of both group B and group C need to examine the contents of the exams. 3. Group C students’ poor English and low confidence make them give up learning easily. Therefore, teachers have to adjust their classroom management to enhance students’ confidence. 4. Group B students have comparative thoughts. To solve the problem, teachers encourage students to have positive attitude toward learning. 5. The implementation of adaptive ability grouping instruction makes course scheduling and changing schedules difficult. School administrations reach a consensus with teachers in advance to minimize the influence on the schedules. 6. For schools in offshore islands, always having a proper substitute teacher is a worrying issue. If A school can’t hire a proper substitute teacher, the instruction will be implemented in only one grade. Based on the findings of the case study, some suggestions for education administrations, school administrations, teachers and further study are offered.


