  • 學位論文


Discourse, Protection, and Extent of Right of LGBT People to Family: in the Analysis of the Draft Amendments to Taiwan Civil Code by TAPCPR

指導教授 : 林昀嫺


自台灣同志運動於九○年代發軔以來,倡議同性婚姻、同性伴侶共同收養子女合法化的聲浪漸次提高,除了社會運動與生活實踐之外,同志族群亦開始積極以法律變革的方式爭取「成家」之權益;其中,台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟起草之民法親屬編、繼承編部份修正草案不僅擬使同性婚姻合法,亦在婚姻之外另設伴侶與多人家屬二種法律上身分關係,對我國身分法提出了全新且重大的制度變革,值得注意。 我國法律體系中是否承認與保障「家庭權」、其權利內涵究竟為何、此項權利是否得合憲受到限制,都將影響同志如何依法成家、所成的「家」形貌為何。本研究除採法釋義學與案例分析兩種法學研究方式,探討現行法規、過往判解、以及台灣伴侶權益推動盟版民法修正草案中「家庭權」的指涉內容以外,亦採用法律與社會學之研究分析方法,借用凱瑟琳.麥金儂(Catharine A. MacKinnon)的宰制論探討立法者、司法者、台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟及其他同志運動者對於「家庭權」之想像及其論述背後隱蘊的社會權力結構,期能探索出台灣同志家庭權實現的可能性與具體途徑。 在沿著現行法制脈絡爬梳的過程中,本研究雖然找到家庭權於我國憲法與身分法制中的保障基礎和制度,卻也同時發現,異性戀父權仍然以傳統倫常文化為名,祟附於我國法制之中,並將同志族群排除於家庭權的保障之外。對此,台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟承繼了台灣同志運動將近二十年來的運動經驗與動員力量,在公佈其所擬定的民法修正草案以後,迄今不斷積極進行法案倡議和宣導。在分析其運動論述與草案條文以後,本研究發現草案中建立起的同志家庭圖像是一幅去性化並且相當重視契約和登記制度等法律操作技術的家庭藍圖,並且,在與其他法規相互交錯之下,此份草案雖然能夠很大程度上賦與了同志族群合法「成家」的權利,但是完全剝除性別、重視法律書面規範的草案也可能對於部份相對弱勢的同志與非同志們造成影響,使其所受到的異性戀父權壓迫更加沉重。透過麥金儂的理論觀點觀察台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟所提出的民法修正草案以後,本研究也試著讓兩者進行對話,發現若欲藉著此一修法草案達到麥金儂的實質平等理想,去性化與強調法律技術或許並非必要,但是深入體察現下實際存在於社會之中的家庭形貌再將其理論化、法制化,可能會是更加有效的策略。


LGBT right movement has been activated in Taiwan since 1990s, and the advocacy for right to family for LGBT people has been promoted since. Both the discourses of the movement and of the advocacy have thrived as magnificent nowadays. In 2011, the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) published their earliest version of amendment to the Parts of Family and of Succession of Taiwan Civil Code. It was probably the first wave in which legal movement is adopted into LGBT right movement in Taiwan, and it should be a significant project to study in both jurisprudence and sociology. This research has conducted analysis upon the current legislations which relates to the protection of right to family, the development of and discourse from TAPCPR, and the amendment by TAPCPR. Moreover, “the dominance approach” developed by Catharine A. MacKinnon is chosen as a theoretical tool in this research, to analyze the legal effect of amendment to Taiwan Civil Code by TAPCPR. In this research, supports for protection of the right to family have been found in some Judicial Interpretations to Constitution of Republic of China and Taiwan Civil Code. Yet heterosexual and patriarchal hegemony also haunts in those mentioned legislations, and it thus made the LGBT people legally excluded from being granted the right to family. To earn the equal protection of right to family for LGBT people, TAPCPR has then published the amendment to Taiwan Civil Code, which is drafted by the member of TAPCPR, in order to modify the most fundamental and important legislation to familial relationships. And this research has found that the amendment is made around an image of de-sexualized and norm-emphasized family, which could do potential harm and oppression to those who are disadvantaged socially or economically, no matter if they are LGBT or not. Along the dominance approach by MacKinnon, this research has done an investigation into and a conversation with the amendment by TAPCPR. This research concludes that thsi amendment would be making progress for this long fight for right to family, yet more empirical study or census to those existing families in this society would help bring steadier protection to the right to family in this amendment.


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