  • 學位論文


The Restricted Stock Award in solar cell Industry

指導教授 : 林哲群


企業員工獎酬制度目的就是要激勵員工,增進員工對公司的認同感,進而增加公司整體的戰鬥力,當下雖然有多種激勵員工的工具,但自民國95年員工分紅費用化制度建立之後,對招募人才的衝擊非常的大,員工實質拿到的分紅,可能連以往的一半都不到,使激勵的效果大打折扣,有盈餘的公司或許還有能力發放現金,激勵員工,沒有盈餘的公司則連現金都沒得發放且股價越來越低,最後連員工認股權證,庫藏股的效用也消失.引進限制員工權利新股(限制型股票),對產業有了新的助力,尤其對那些沒有獲利股價低迷的產業幫助更大,因為它的彈性,兼具股票分紅和選擇權的功能,可以有效地留住特定人才,員工,對公司的營運有重要的幫助。 台灣太陽能產業曾經風光一時,但隨著產業的結構和供需產生變化,以致從2012年開始鉅額虧損,股價快速下降,人員大量離職,以電池廠的虧損最嚴重,而推出限制員工權利新股也最積極,本論文研究以茂迪,新日光,昇陽科,旺能光電為例子,說明推出之前和之後的員工人才留任率作為比較,說明限制員工權利新股確實是 一個留住員工很好的工具,在這當中並對台灣現行各種激勵工具做多方面的比較,以期大家對限制員工權利新股有更深一層的認識。


The goal of staff reward system is to motivate employees to enhance their corporate identity, and then increasing the corporate overall combat effectiveness. While there are several immediate motivating tools, but since the Expense of Employee Bonuses system was established in 2006, the impact on the recruitment and retention of talent is very large, the employees get real bonus maybe even less than half the previous and the incentive effect greatly reduced. Some corporations with earnings may also motivate their employees by paying cash. But some corporations without earnings can’t pay out the cash to motivate their employees and then because the stock prices are getting lower, finally, the effectiveness of staff stock options and treasury stock is also worthless. The Restricted Staff Award (restricted stock) is the new boost for the industries, especially for those corporations who do not have earnings and the stock prices are low. Because of its flexibility and functions of both stock dividend and option, it can effectively retain particular talents and employees then have an important help of the corporate operations. The Solar Energy was once famous industry in Taiwan, but with the changes of industrial structure, the supply and demand are also different. Whole industries had run into a heavy loss since 2012. The stock prices are falling rapidly and staff turnover rate is also high. Especially some cell manufacturing corporations are proactively to issue Restricted Stock Award to employees as motivating tool to change the situation. This research study is based on Motech, NSP, Solartech, DelSolar for example and compare the staff turnover rate before and after when they issue RSA. Then also compare with current other motivating tools in Taiwan to explain and understand the Restricted Stock Award is a powerful one to retain employees.




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