  • 學位論文


The Historical Changes and the Intellectuals' Quest for Ideals in Contemporary China: Study of the History of Wang An-Yi's Psychological World

指導教授 : 劉正忠 陳建忠


本文所關注的議題,是透過王安憶文學創作所呈現出的精神圖像,考察中國當代知識分子在不同時期之文化與政治語境下,呈現出的對個人理想的認同與其心靈路徑的變化過程。王安憶親歷了文革(1966~1976)到改革開放(1978~)後政治與社會各個面向的急遽轉變,在其30年的創作中,特別是透過一批自我經驗與自傳色彩濃厚的小說,可觀察到一個知識分子對於自我定位及時代環境思索的歷程。從60、70年代的文革,一直延伸到80年代的新時期,經歷80年代末的天安門事件,而進入90年代後新時期。藉著王安憶思索的途徑,恰可串聯起一道當代中國知識分子「心靈史」的軌跡。本文希冀在爬梳王安憶文本中所呈現的精神圖像之時,也同步考察了中國當代某種有代表性之知識分子的心靈路徑。 正文的論述分為三個部份,深入探討王安憶從70年代至今展現的思索歷程及精神樣貌。分別是:一、理想的萌發:王安憶的文革經驗(80年代初期)。二、營建精神之塔:王安憶的信仰危機與自我救贖(90年代初)。三、背向未來的前行:《啟蒙時代》的探問與追尋 (新世紀初期)。以上三個章節分別代表王安憶精神歷程的三個階段,藉由對其文本的細讀展現作者對於文革、改革時期(70年代)、新時期(80年代)及後新時期(90年代至今)的思考,串聯起一個當代知識分子在時代中尋找信仰的心靈歷程。結論則就本文議題作一個全面的整理,串聯起王安憶心靈史的光譜,總結她不同階段之信仰危機的解決方式,並嘗試以臺灣評論者的位置,思考王安憶在這信仰歷程的未竟之旅中的未來走向與新的可能。 王安憶對精神性的要求、對崇高理念的追求與嚮往,並非在90年代初期才突然而至的,它本身有一個源流,有一個發展的過程。一路以來,王安憶都找不到「信仰」,但卻從不放棄尋找。是欠缺了什麼資源,讓她始終找不到她所要的?又是憑藉著什麼力量,支撐她繼續找下去?那背後有一個獨特的心靈世界,那是王安憶小說的矛盾與糾結所在,同時也是她小說的魅力與價值所在。 本文有兩個核心的研究目的,一是藉由王安憶面對信仰危機與自我救贖的歷程,作為當代知識分子對政治環境與自身處境反思,尋求新信念的類型觀察。希望能以王安憶為起點,進而推展到其他不同類型知識分子的應對之道,勾勒出整個當代中國知識分子對應時代的輪廓。二是對王安憶的部份文本作細讀,希望王安憶文學研究能在前人既有的成果之下,還能從不同以往的研究面向,作進一步的深入與補足。


This article aims to examine how contemporary intellectuals from different cultural and political lingual backgrounds reveal their own personal ideal identifications and psychological developmental paths via the literary creations of An-Yi Wang. Wang experienced the rapid changes started from the Culture Revolution (1966-76) to the Reform and Opening (1978-) herself. With her works, especially those autobiographical novels, one can easily observe the progressions about how an intellectual coordinate herself and ponder about her time. From the Culture Revolution, to her new era extended well into the 80s; from Tian-an-men Square Protest in the end of the 80s, to her another new era appeared by the end of the 90s. Following the path of the thoughts of Wang, the tracks of “the history of the psychological worlds” of contemporary intellectuals could be connected. While sorting the psychological images presented in Wang’s works, this article also expects to investigate the psychological paths of a unique group of intellectuals. This article is divided to three parts, discussing the spiritual images and thinking paths revealed in Wang’s works from the 70s to the present day. The first part, Buds of Ideals, mainly involves Wang’s experiences in Tian-an-men Square Protest (in the beginning of the 80s). The second, To Build a Tower of Spirits, talks about Wang’s belief crisis and self salvation (in the beginning of the 90s). And the third, Backward the Future, discuss Wang’s pursuits and inquiries written in her work, “Age of Enlightment,” in the beginning of the current century. The three parts stand for the three periods of Wang’s spiritual progressions. Via detailed readings of her texts, how Wang’s ideas about various historical events and periods could be shown and examined, and how a contemporary intellectual could search for his/her own belief in the historical currents can be demonstrated. The conclusion part is an overview of all the topics discussed in this article, stringing up all the different aspects of Wang’s spiritual world, showing how she overcame her belief crisis throughout her career, and trying to infer Wang’s possible development and new directions in her unfinished journey of looking for her belief. Wang’s spiritual demands, pursuits and yearnings toward idealizations didn’t appear suddenly in the beginning of the 90s. They have own origins and developments. Wang has never been able to find a “belief;” however, she has never stopped looking for it. What prevents her from finding what she wants, and what makes her go on her pursuits? There is a unique psychological world lurking beneath, and that’s exactly where the twists of Wang’s works lay, also what provides her novels their charms and values. This article has two main purposes. The first is using Wang as a model to show and examine how contemporary intellectuals respond the political atmospheres and the situations they are stuck in, and to search for their new beliefs. The second is to offer a careful reading of some parts of Wang’s texts, hoping to deepen and broaden the visions and fields of the studies of Wang.


9. 陳雀倩,《八十年代大陸文學主體性的建構與尋根意識的發展之研究》,淡江大學中國文學學系博士論文,2006年。


