  • 學位論文

團隊衝突與團隊創新行為 ─探討團隊積極氣候及知識分享行為之影響

Team Conflict and Innovative Behavior: An Investigation of Initiative Climate and Knowledge Sharing Behavior

指導教授 : 劉玉雯


本研究主要探討團隊衝突發生性質之不同,如何影響影響團隊積極氣候以及團隊知識分享行為之形成,進而影響團隊成員的創新行為。其研究對象主要為在台灣地區的R&D研發團隊,回收之有效樣本數為88份:分別透過因素分析、相關分析及回歸分析,探討各變數間之關係 經由實證分析,本研究結果如下:研究結果發現,團隊衝突對於團隊積極氣候以及團隊知識分享行為之形成,不論何種衝突類型皆產生負向影響,進而影響團隊創新行為。另外,研究中也發現團隊積極氣候以及團隊知識分享行為,在團隊衝突與團隊創新行為之間,皆具有部份中介效果。 本研究可應用在團隊衝突的管理上:第一,跨文化團隊管理時,應考慮到團員組成文化之背景,以適當控管團隊衝突發生與可能的影響。第二,本研究顯示團隊衝突與團隊積極氣候有顯著關係,在衝突管理上需注意其負向影響。


This study examines how the different types of team conflicts influences team initiative climate and team knowledge sharing behavior. Data was collected from 88 R&D team, mainly Taiwanese. Hierarchical regressions were used for the statistical analyses. Results indicated that the team conflict was related to team innovative behavior through initiative climate and team knowledge sharing behavior. The hypotheses that task conflict had positive effect on initiative climate and knowledge sharing behavior were not supported. However, task conflict and relationship conflict had negative effects on both two types of conflicts. In addition, this study found that initiative climate and team knowledge sharing behavior partially mediated the relationship between team conflict and team innovative behavior.


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