  • 學位論文

創業機會辨識: 以群眾募資平台為例

Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: Case study of Crowdfunding platform

指導教授 : 陳寶蓮


本研究主要探討(1)群眾募資平台這個創新的募資模式何以出現在某些產業,(2) 這些平台的創辦人又何以發現這個創業的機會,以及 (3) 各群眾募資平台在創立後,如何因應其產業環境而形變。主要的台灣群眾募資平台研究對象包括與新聞產業相關的WeReport,創投產業相關的FlyingV,設計產業相關的Limitstyle,以及公益活動相關的紅龜。 本研究發現,四個案例的創業過程經驗與既有的創業理論文獻相符。這包含創業機會出現主要是因新的知識或技術出現、舊有市場的不效率性、成本或結構上的改變;接下來的機會辨識受創業家的先前知識與社會網絡所影響。創業家不同的人格特質,包含創業家的價值觀、成本判斷、樂觀性,對創業與否以及將群眾募資平台導入進入各產業的商品化的過程有相當程度的影響,也產生不一樣的變形。此外,。本研究發現橫跨四個產業的群眾募資平台仍然有些共同特性,他們都深度的參考國外的群眾募資平台、很樂觀的看待國內平台的發展、不認為各平台間為競爭關係。創業平台以目前熱門的社群網站Facebook做為主要的推廣管道與引流入口。他們都期待建立長期的獲益方式來維持永續經營。


The research focus on(1)Why an innovative business model-crowdfunding appears in some industries,(2) How can the founders recognize the entrepreneurial opportunities, and (3) After crowdfunding platforms is established, how they in response to the deformation of its industrial environments. The subjects selected for the Taiwan crowdfunding platforms and the industrial development. The First crowdfunding platform in the news industry-WeReport, the biggest crowdfunding platform in the Venture Capital industry-FlyingV, crowdfunding in product design industry-Limitstyle and crowdfunding in charity industry-Red Turtle are in our discussion. We found that entrepreneurial opportunities arise, including appearing of new knowledge or technology, the old market’s inefficiency, changing of cost or structural. Next you need prior knowledge by entrepreneurs, social networks to recognize this opportunity. And according to various entrepreneurs venture to judge whether personality traits, values included entrepreneurs, the cost of judgment, optimism. Taking crowdfunding platform as a new business model, it changed in the process of commercialization into various industries. Otherwise, they are still some common features. They deeply reference to overseas platforms, having optimistic view to platform development, and they don’t think that is a competitive relationship between the various platforms. Crowdfunding platform use social network website to be the primary promote channel and they all design long term profit model to maintain sustainable.


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