  • 學位論文


Exploring the Business Strategy of Agribusiness: A Case Study of KAI SHING

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


台灣這塊土地,地小人稠,卻得天獨厚擁有許多優質的農業產品。近年來在全球化市場經濟與環境快速變遷的衝擊影響下,台灣農業必須思考如何突破傳統僅以生產為導向看天吃飯的框架,積極轉型成為具整合產業價值鏈的經營模式,才能有效提升台灣農業競爭力與擴大產業附加價值,走出屬於自有品牌的特色與競爭優勢的康莊大道。 本論文研究對象為凱馨實業股份有限公司,它是一家從台灣土雞電宰廠起家的傳統廠商。本研究採用個案研究方法,透過實地訪談與文獻資料蒐集,從這個產業內外部環境、個案廠商本身的優劣勢、所面臨的機會與挑戰、競爭力分析等到經營策略、轉型與創新歷程的成果,輔以相關管理模型的分析工具,整理歸納出個案公司獨特的經營策略與關鍵成功因素。 期透過本論文研究結果,提供個案公司、相關廠商建議與未來發展之參考,同時延伸推廣到其他領域的探討和研究。


Agriculture is a part of the economic foundation of a country. Taiwan Native Chicken enjoys widespread popularity in the Taiwanese market. In recent decades, Taiwan's poultry industry has made great progress, with significant results in the research and business development stages. However, rapid change in the global economic environment presents a challenge to agribusiness in Taiwan. The opening up of markets following Taiwan’s entry into the WTO from 2002 also resulted in numerous threats to the industry. Therefore, this study, based on the perspective of the poultry company, reviews management approaches and future competitive strategies under the current situation, and provides the results as guidelines to future research as well as advance strategic planning. In this study, the research used Porter’s Five Forces model to evaluate its internal value chain, the Blue Ocean Strategy to indicate its highly added value innovation and the SWOT model to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats pertaining to the company. The result shows that, to the case company, adding value to poultry products; establishing the core competitive advantage on its own brand; production of high quality chicken and integrating new chicken breeds into the whole value chain at high efficiency levels; focusing on product promotion; implementing product lines to decrease cost and export to the Mainland Chinese market are the best strategies for the next stage. The study also provides a guideline for further research on business strategies in agribusiness and the poultry industry.




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