  • 學位論文


Strategic Human Resources Management:A Business Partner Perspective

指導教授 : 林博文 洪世章


本研究旨在衡量: 1.人力資源單位結合公司策略及人力資源策略在企業的運作實務、 2.職能於策略性人力資源管理所產生的效應及對企業的實際影響程度、 3.人力資源單位於執行人力資源管理之功能運作時,扮演事業夥伴角色的參與程度。 透過實際公司案例之方式驗證理論之可行性。經驗證分析,歸納結論如下: - 案例公司之人力資源策略確實結合了公司策略且展開後續人力資源之相關功能運作。 − 於案例公司中,職能持續運作成為策略性人力資源管理的基礎且不斷地持續展開,並成為公司文化的一部份。 − 職能於策略性人力資源管理功能中,實際落實度及效果佳。案例公司實施導入職能,其整體落實程度呈現於招募徵選、訓練發展、留才管理等,頗具成效。 − 案例公司之人力資源單位符合Ulrich的事業夥伴之四個角色。檢視人力資源單位之角色涉入程度由深到淺,排序分別為:行政專家、員工協助者、策略夥伴、變革代理人。


This study is to measure how the following theories work in the real company: 1.SHRM (Strategic Human Resources Management): To find how human resources strategies carry on company strategies; 2.Competencies: To find how compentencies affect human rescoures strategies; 3.Busienss Partner: To find how the human resources department plays the roles of business partner in the company. After empirical observation and analysis to the company, the conculsions are as follows: − Human resources strategies do carry on company strategies and develop a specific achievable plan. − Competencies become the fundamental of SHRM as well as a part of the company culture. − Competencies are well implemented through the functions of SHRM in terms of recruitment、training development and talent management. − Human resources department do play the roles of business partner. Based on the degree of involvement, they are administrative partner, employee champion, strategic partner and change agent in sequence.


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