  • 學位論文

不同姿勢的單手托盤端舉之 人因工程分析

Ergonomic analysis of one-handed serving tray carrying in different postures

指導教授 : 呂志維 彭瓊瑜


多數人走進餐廳用餐時,對服務人員的印象總是無論他們再忙碌、再累、再辛苦,但在上菜、收桌等桌邊服務時總是面帶笑容,我們往往不會注意到的是他們手中的托盤有多重、更不會關心他們需費力地端著沉重托盤行走多遠。故我希望能想辦法減輕他們的手臂肌肉負荷,因此我的研究將會著重在利用RPE主觀負荷評量與EMG肌電量測來找出一個讓受試者較省力的托盤端舉姿勢。 本研究會針對單手端舉托盤的姿勢進行兩個階段的實驗,第一階段會先對30位受試者進行主觀知覺負荷評量(Rated Perceived Exertion Scale, RPE Scale),將各受試者所填答的分數進行統計分析,結果出來便可觀察出受試者在平舉托盤時,前臂與上臂呈現角度不同、是否利用身體支撐上臂及不同重量調整下影響受試者主觀的施力程度。接著再從做過第一階段實驗的受試者中抽出24位進行第二階段之實驗,第二階段實驗會利用肌電圖(Electromyography, EMG)加以為第一階段實驗佐證,蒐集受試者在做托盤端舉動作時手臂肌群,包含三角肌、二頭肌及手腕伸指總肌的肌電訊號。 綜合兩實驗結果顯示,當受試者在端舉較重托盤時,上臂與前臂呈現接近90度且利用身體支撐上臂或手肘時,有最低的RPE分數即%MVC的值,故此組合為單手端舉托盤之最不費力之姿勢。


When people having meals in a restaurant, Whether the waiters or waitresses are busy, exhausted, or working hardly on service, their impression to the customers which were having meals in a restaurant is a face always with great smile. Most of the time, we would not notice how heavy the dishes are on serving tray which the waiters or waitresses should carry, or even not care about how far or how long they are supposed to carry the tray with heavy dishes in service duty, so I aim find ways to decrease their arm’s load. Thus, my research used Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale and Electromyography (EMG) to figure out a posture which has the less exertion for restaurant workers to carry a heavy tray. The study emphasized on the posture of carry a serving tray by one hand and separated into two sections of experiment. The first section asked 30 participants to complete RPE scale and analyzed scores which they wrote by statistics. After getting the result, find out the rate of their exertion with three experimental factors: changeable weights of tray, different angles between their upper arm and forearm, and use their body to support their upper arm of their elbow. Then picked out 24 participants which finished the first section to attend the second section of my experiment. The second section of my experiment would use EMG to support the conclusion of the first section. Collecting the signals and data from the muscles of participants’ arm when they were carrying the tray, the three parts of muscles are: deltoid, biceps, and extensor digitorum communis. Combined two sections of experiments, when participants were carrying a heavy tray with 90 degrees between their upper arm and forearm and use their body to support their upper arm or their elbow, this combination received the lower RPE score and %MVC. Therefore, it would be the greatest exertion-saving posture to carry a heavy tray by one hand.


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