  • 學位論文

從新聞報導與倫理規範談名譽權的侵害 -以侵害名譽權判賠案例為中心

A Study on Ethic Norms in News Coverage – Focus on Significant Cases Concerning the Right of Fame

指導教授 : 姚志明老師


摘 要 1980年代解嚴後,台灣媒體產業急速發展,媒體環境競爭惡劣。又於2001年,被譽為「狗仔始祖」的傳媒進駐台灣,使得台灣媒體生態興起一場大革命,媒體報導內容不再玩文字咀嚼,而是報導誇大事實且標題聳動,更充斥羶色腥的內容。 本論文以這些傳媒旗下的週刊及日報因不實報導侵害其報導對象名譽權之判賠成案為研究。 媒體為了迎合閱聽人,不惜遊走在法律邊緣,當監督政府的第四權媒體變調時,站在司法的立場,又該如何在新聞自由與名譽權上做出權衡呢?本論文將以文獻研究法及內容分析法探討媒體侵害其報導人名譽權之判賠案例,並期望能藉此研究探討使媒體能引以為鑑。


媒體道德 名譽權 新聞自由


ABSTRACT Since the end of martial law on 1980s, the development of Taiwanese Media were cutthroat. The Next Digital starting its publication in Taiwan in 2001 originating sweeping Taiwan, its style is quite different from traditional printed media., have produced certain influence in Taiwan positively and negatively. Its content is full of interests. While giving up on excessive attention to wording, instead, uses more plain, and even vulgar language to make exaggerated news reports, leading to a tremendous revolution in the ecology of Taiwan’s mass media. This study focused on significant cases concerning the right of fame. Catering for tastes of the audience, mass media verged on the illegal. With judicial consideration, how to weigh the pros and cons between freedom of the press and right of fame, while its deformation of the Fourth Estate. In this research, content analysis and case study will be applied the cases of right of fame concerning indemnity so as to comprehend the proper role and function of mass media in Taiwan.


參 考 文 獻
1. Cooper, T. W,Communication ethics and global change,New York:Longman.,1989年3月,初版。
2. Earl Babbie著,林秀雲譯,社會科學研究方法,雙葉書廊,2016年4月,原文十四版。
3. Herzog Thomas著,朱柔若譯,社會科學研究方法與資料分析,揚智文化公司,1996年11月,初版。
