  • 學位論文

人力精簡特徵及個人公平性知覺對 留任員工工作態度影響之研究

Effects of the Characteristics of Work Force Reduction and Perceived Justice on The Employee's Work Attitudes

指導教授 : 吳美連 曹國雄


近年來國內外在經濟不景氣衝擊下,許多企業都面臨了經營上的困境,尤其日益高漲的員工薪酬,就成了各企業沉重的包袱,他們不得不採取節流措施削減過高的人事成本,因此人力精簡就成了各企業提昇競爭力強化企業體質所必須的決擇。在執行人力精簡方案時,常會忽略被留任員工之行為反應,因此本研究主要目的是想瞭解組織精簡在人力精簡特徵及個人公平性知覺對留任員工工作態度之影響。 本研究對實施組織精簡的企業被留任員工進行問卷調查,從191份有效問卷中發現下列結果: 一、組織實施人力精簡方案,事前有週延的歸劃,決策過程能讓員工參與,也能與員工充分的溝通,留任員工會提升對組織的承諾,減少工作壓力,降低離職傾向。 二、員工的公平性知覺,員工認為組織在人力精簡程序上要有一致性、沒有私利、要有道德倫理標準,在員額分配上要依員工的能力表現考量,同樣的會對組織承諾提升,減少工作壓力,降低離職傾向。 三、組織在人力精簡後,男性的組織承諾會高於女性。 四、組織人力精簡後,不同學歷的受測者,在工作壓力變項上有顯著差異。 五、對於內控傾向、A型行為的員工,在組織人力精簡後會提升組織承諾,降低離職傾向。


Due to the global economy recession, lots of private enterprises are going through a difficult time. Being weighed down especially by the up-rising wages, these enterprises have no choice but to cut down their personnel cost to keep low expenditure. Down-sizing has become the necessary evil to keep their enterprises stay competitive. During the down-sizing process, the behavioral reaction of the remaining personnel tends to be neglected. This task-oriented study is to look into the down-sizing incurred impacts, including the personnel down-sizing characteristics and personal fairness recognition, on the remaining staff. According to the questionnaire filled out by remaining personnel of previously down-sized enterprises, 191 valid questionnaire out of this survey, we found the following results: 1. When down-sizing is in progress: comprehensive prior planning, involvement of personnel in the policy decision and sufficient communication with personnel will increase the remaining personnel’s commitment to the organization , reduce both pressure at work and tendency towards quitting the job. 2. Personnel recognition of fairness : consistency during the down-sizing procedure is a must, ethical as well as moral criteria should be applied, personal benefit should be ruled out , and prescribed number of personnel must be based on job performance. Above-mentioned will also increase the remaining personnel’s commitment to the organization and reduce both pressure at work and tendency towards quitting the job. 3. After organization down-sizing, male organization commitment is higher than that of the female. 4. In terms of the pressure at work factor, each questionnaire answer of different educational background varies significantly after the organization down-sizing. 5. Personnel with internals traits and type A behavior will promote their organization commitment and decrease their tendency towards quitting the job.


Work Attitudes Down-Sizing Perceived Justice


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