  • 學位論文


The Effect of Downsizing Policy on The Quality of Organizational Manpower-A Research Institute as an Examples

指導教授 : 丁姵元


國防體系近年因為外在環境的急遽變遷,也要配合人力精簡方案實施,精實案九十年剛結束,緊接著九十二年精進案也開始執行,國軍的大輻人力精簡政策影響了無數的國防組織內部人員。A單位是國防體系內的國防科技研發單位,肩負大型武器系統研發工作,其與一般國軍單位不同的是其武器系統研發工作的研發人力,是先進國防武力維持的重要人力資源。在面對國防體系的精簡壓力,A單位也開始實施組織人力精簡的政策,但是A單位的研發人力的蓄積不容易,一旦流失了,要想在培養出一批優秀的研發人力非常困難。 研究方法是採用質的研究方法中紮根理論的研究方式,本研究想要瞭解研發人力在精簡政策執行過程中對單位及研發人員造成什麼影響?為什麼有這些影響?影響原因是什?是保留了優秀的研發人力?還是任其流失的汰優留弱?想要瞭解精簡過程真實情況是否汰優留弱,對A單位的人力資源部門、計畫部門、優秀的留任及離職人員深度訪談,並對訪談資料整理分析後,期能完整瞭解精簡政策在執行過程中,對組織研發人力的影響。 綜合本研究發現,A單位的精簡政策的執行過程有汰弱留優的現象發生,以下是本研究的發現: 一、高學歷的人員離職狀況,對照收入數及計畫未結案的金額,可說明人力精簡對高素質人力產生反淘汰的結果,影響對單位的收入及研發能量的維持。 二、由對訪談的資料分析中發現,單位精簡政策執行的結果可能是汰優留弱,可由單位精簡政策的制度面及環境面來分析。 (一)制度面: 1.精簡作業規定的執行是要對能力不足研發人員有影響,並據此離退人員,研究發現並沒有達到作業規定的目的。研發人員受精簡政策作業規定制度的影響,由資料內容分析中發現,以年齡且以自願申請的消極方式,而不是主動檢討以能力為汰弱標準的積極作法,影響了有能力的優質人力,而無法對能力較不足人員形成影響。 2.作業規定沒有明訂主管執行的權責,讓主管宥於人情壓力而循私避責,沒有讓他負起為單位留優汰弱的把關責任。 3.優退專案研發人員的申請是以年齡為限制,致45歲以上中壯年的高素質有競爭力的人員,在感受到組織的不確定性時,藉優退專案機會任由其離開,投入業界職場在創個人生涯的另一高峰,而不具足夠競爭力的45歲以上人員,會選擇留下。 4.單位在制訂作業規定時,是以配合「上級政策」的心態,而不是以考量單位整體運作機制的「量身訂作」,形成精簡作業規定在執行時對優秀人力鼓勵優退的負面現象。 (二)環境面: 1.人力的精簡是要留任有能力的研發人員的選菁,且疏處能力較差的人員的離弱,經由研究發現,目前規定的執行結果,是留弱離優的情形。 2.目前單位的內部環境給人的感覺,比較以前之研究環境是一年不如一年,除了內部管制流程繁鎖外,對研發人員的管理是愈來愈像部隊管理,加上87年納入勞基法後對研發人員的刷卡制度,使得研發人員受限於無形框架,認為對研發人員的尊重已不復從前。 3.政策的執行是年齡限制及自願方式,而不是以工作能力為標準,對45歲以上已達作業規定申請限制的人而言,其有能力的及能力較差的人員來說,因其能力不同,受外在環境影響也不同,所以現在仍留任的研發人員,不表示不會有離職的傾向,外在環境的誘因及個人能力是主要的考量因素。 4.目前人力精簡對45歲以上工作能力好的人,因其對外在環境而言有競爭力,在面對政策執行時使他產生對單位的未來不看好的聯想,容易受外在環境誘惑,離職傾向增加且單位的研發環境已漸漸無法吸引他們,觀望後若外部環境有好機會,單位又沒有以能力為審查參加優退人員的機制,會形成汰優的情形。 5.45歲以上工作能力差的人,其對外在就業市場而言不具競爭力,單位執行精簡時,會讓他產生危機感,深怕被裁員,對生活上形成壓力,再加上單位是以自願申請的方式,不以能力為標準的精簡機制,強制汰弱的疏處作業,會讓他們離職傾向反而更降低,留弱的現象會出現。


離職 離職傾向 組織精簡 留任


The national defense system in Taiwan has been undergoing dramatic change changes and downsize recently. The continuous downsizing and change policies have deeply affect many employees working in the organizations in the national defense system. A research institute is one of the major research organizations in the national defense system. Different from other organizations in the defense system, A institute is responsible for many weapon research projects to maintain the advance of the weapon in the country. A institute has also undergoing a series of downsizing procedure. The research is to find out the effect of the downsizing policy on the quality of human resource. The methodologies of qualitative research and ground theory have been used in the research to find out the effect of downsizing policy on the quality of human resource in the organization. In addition, it is hoped that the effect and the rationale of the result can also be discovered in the research. Moreover, it is hoped that the research can also demonstrate that if the result of the downsizing policy has made the higher quality of human resource left the organization and the lower quality of human resource stayed? People from different departments of the organizations have been interviewed and data has been carefully analyzed. The result of the research has demonstrated that the process of downsizing seems to have significant negative effect on the quality of human resource in the organizations. The result can be shown from different perspectives. Firstly, the gradually decrease of avenue and research projects has demonstrated that quality of manpower might has been dropped. Secondly, since only the employees above the age of 45 can voluntarily apply for leave in the downsizing policy, the policy has no significant relation with the employees’ performance. Therefore, it has no effect on those who do not perform well in the organization. As a result, most of the low quality of manpower has chosen to stay in the organization. Thirdly, there is no clear guidance to show how the managers in the organization should carry out the order of downsizing. Therefore, there seems to be no effort to retain the higher quality of manpower in the organization. Fourthly, the data also shows that the policy of downsizing were designed and carried out passively to follow the administration order from the government. The organization did not plan carefully and design the policy to meet the needs of the organizations. Fifthly, in the execution of downsizing order, many high quality of manpower chose to leave simply because many of them can find better working opportunities outside the organizations. Sixthly, the data suggests that the internal environment is getting inferior as the management system is getting tighter. Many employees who are responsible of research explained that they were no longer respected as before. Seventhly, the policy states that people can only leave voluntarily. Therefore, there is no power to force the low quality of manpower to leave. Consequently, the data suggest the downsizing policy might have great impact on the quality of manpower in the organization. Finally, some suggestions are also recommended.




