  • 學位論文


A Study of the Sense-of-security of Single Female College Students in Off-campus Rental Suites

指導教授 : 張謙允


多數設計師為男性,不論是建築師、室內設計師、工業設計師,較以男性的角度作設計、規劃。然設計縱使滿足社會性、美學、及機能性的多重要求,卻可能忽略了女性對安全的心理需求。近年來,經由媒體的傳播,發生在社會上的不幸事件,如強暴、竊盜、搶劫,甚至於地震等聳動的新聞,使女學生校外租宿的安全性面臨挑戰。 由於82%的大專院校學生至外地求學就讀,校外租宿的情形相當普及。本研究探討女學生校外租宿的安全需求,包括心理上與實質上的要求及限制,因此本研究利用問卷調查的方式,以中原大學校區附近套房租宿的女學生為問卷調查對象,經以電腦統計軟體SPSS對60份有效問卷研究分析結果發現,大部分的大學女生非常在意租宿空間的安全考量、有安全感的危機意識、對租宿環境的安全感整體感到滿意,並且在租屋時會考慮到自身安全的因素;不可預期也難以掌握、可預期但難以掌握、不可預期也難以掌握之災害會造成大學女生校外單身租宿時缺乏安全感,並且使大學女生校外單身租宿時會重視安全設備因素、人為之外在因素、光線因素、人際互動因素與環境之外在因素之安全考量;整體而言,大學女生校外單身租宿時最重視安全設備因素,光線因素次之。設計者了解大學女生對安全之需求與重視之程度進而改善實質環境,足以降低其單身租宿的恐懼感。其中,大學女生在租宿時會缺乏安全感的原因大多來自人為因素所造成之不可預期也難以掌握之因素,換句話說,不可預期也難以掌握之因素是大學女生在租宿時會缺乏安全感的最主要原因。藉此,有助於喚起設計者、房東從女性的觀點及心理,尤其應針對大學女生害怕被闖空門、被強暴、被偷窺的心裡狀態去規劃與設計,使女性舒適、減壓與無負擔,滿足女性的安全感。


大學女生 安全感 校外租宿


It is observable that most designers, such as interior designers, and product designs, are male gender who tend to design based on masculine values. Whether from the perspectives of sociology, aesthetics, or functional demands of design products, it is a commonplace that male designs often neglected female values. This may be an indirect cause of the lack of sense-of-security to female college students who reside in off-campus rental suites. Threats to female safety are substantial, including raping, peeping, robbing, or that caused by natural hazards. This calls for a further study about female demands for security in off-campus rental suites. This study conducted a field survey of psychological and physical demands for safety to female college students who reside in off-campus rental suites around Chung Yuan Christian University. It is found through quantitative analyses that the majority of female students concerned deeply about their safety in off-campus rental environments. In all, their sense-of-security can be depicted from five dimensions, i.e., safety-configuration of residential spaces, limited human threats, brightness of residential vicinities, social engagements among neighboring individuals, and controlled physical quality. Some of which are human-related, unpredictable, or uncontrollable. This study concludes with these dimensions and componential variables that designers as well as landlords are to bear in mind such concerns.


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