  • 學位論文


Urban Elixir: the production and consumption of “studio” in Taipei City

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


近四、五年來台北市住宅市場吹起一股「小套房熱潮」,小套房不僅推案量驚人,去化速度更是其他類型住宅所不及。然而在媒體渲染下,一般人很容易輕易地將其與「單身」議題緊密連結,認為此現象為單身社會下之必然;另一方面,卻也充斥以「低總價」、「低自備款」、「易轉手」、「高投資報酬率」等詞彙,來吸引消費者購買。總而言之,不是犯了站在「優勢體系(dominant system)」的立場發言、隱含工具性目的問題,就是以住宅「完成品」來點出小套房之特徵,無助於理解小套房住宅形式之深層意義。因此,本研究選擇回到住宅生產與消費過程,除了從歷史找尋台北市小套房成形軌跡及台灣特殊房地產機制運作下的形塑痕跡,特別關注近年小套房生產者與消費者的構思過程,分析其決定或購買小套房之行為及構思,揭示小套房之住宅意義。 根據歷史資料顯示,小套房並非近年的產物,早在台灣房地產機制劇烈變動之際—民國六十年初期就已現身於台北市,至今出現有三波小套房高度發展期,皆隨著台北市發展而在地理位置、住宅屬性與空間上逐步變遷,唯一至今不變的是其強烈「投資性格」的塑造與「高彈性使用」展現。 針對第三波小套房生產者與消費者進行深入訪談並分析後,我們發現小套房雖有住宅實體之空間限制,原本僅適合都市中之單身人口或流動工作者的居住需求,然而進入房地產機制中卻被塑造成具高度「交換價值」的投資工具;除此之外,分別還有更為深層的意義:其一,生產者往往藉小套房讓原本胎死腹中的預售案起死回生,並仰賴其「高單價」特性來突破並拉高周圍房價,創造「房地產必漲」神話;其二,消費者(研究發現主要為投資客)藉其收取租金或賺取房地產差價來滿足實質的金錢需要與心裡的安全感外,部分投資客甚至沉浸在小套房的「投資氣氛」中,投資小套房成為一種日常遊戲、一種生活方式。 無論生產者或投資客,皆想像、借取、挪移了未來,煉製著「都市仙丹」,不僅造成真正居住需求者的無法負擔與空間使用上的不便,更埋下日後許多可見與不可見的外部性問題。


For 4 to 5 years, there has been a fever of studio condominiums in Taipei housing market. Not only is the number of new projects growing devastatingly, the selling of these studio condominiums also is at a speed far greater then that of other housing types. By the influence of the media, people tend to link this phenomenon to “Single phenomenon”, hastily assume the bloom as the consequence of increasing unmarried population in our society. On the other hand, terms like “low price”, “low down-payment”, “easy to sell”, and ”high profit”, overwhelm the consumers and stimulate more investments. In conclusion, it either makes the mistake to speak as the dominant system and hide the real purposes, or only mention the superficial features of studio condominiums’ as one of the “housing product”. But these points of view can’t help us understanding the inner meaning of this particular housing type. Therefore, in this study, I will look into the process of the production and marketing of residential commodities. I will search through history of the developing of studio condominiums in Taipei and the distinctive mechanism of real estate market in relation with this building type in Taiwan. Special effort is made to analyze the consideration process of producers and consumers in the construction and purchase of studio condominiums, and to understand the special characters of this building type in the housing market. According to the history research, studio condominium is not a recent invention. In fact, it has occurred in Taipei housing market since early 1970’s. There have been three waves of studio condominium fever since then. The studio condominiums change in location, character and layout followed on the growth of Taipei City. The characters of “profit-oriented” and “high-flexibility” are what remained constant till now. After analyzing my interviews with the producers and consumers contributing the latest studio condominiums fever, we concluded that although studio condominiums are in nature limited space, meant for the housing of increasing unmarried populations and city workers, they are presented as investments with “high-exchange value” in the housing market now. Other significant meanings are also defined. First, the construction industry uses this building type to revive the failure of pre-sale housing projects. They also use the high unit price of studio condominiums to raise the housing price of surrounding area and create a “real-estate-will-keep-growth” myth. Second, housing consumers (mainly investors according to this study) earn their profit and keep the sense of security by the rent income and the rise of housing price. Some investors even indulge themselves in the atmosphere of investing studio condominiums. Investment in studio apartments has become a game or even a life style for them. Producers or investors imagine, borrow and shift from the expectancy of future. Studio condominiums have become the elixir of the modern city. This phenomenon has made housing too expensive for those really need and made the use of land more inefficient. This studio condominiums fever has spread seeds that will one day become potential serious problems in our society.




