  • 學位論文


Development and Evaluation of a Text-Structure Visualization Software Tool

指導教授 : 饒培倫 胡志偉


本研究之目的是建立一個文章結構圖示軟體,作為學童電腦閱讀的輔助工具。隨著資訊科技的發展,在電腦上學習及閱讀己逐漸取代傳統的學習模式,目前雖然有一些應用程式提供電腦閱讀及註記科技的功能,卻不是以「文章結構」作為設計的主軸,所以本研究提出一個適合在電腦上閱讀文本的系統架構,除了探討目前電腦閱讀及註記科技外,並以「文章結構」策略作為系統設計的核心,以建置出可在電腦上使用的文章結構圖示軟體。   本研究以過去研究的結構策略作為文章結構分類的依據,以問卷訪談及專家訪談決定文章結構的圖示,並進行一個教學實驗以評估系統的成效。本研究的獨立變數,包括輔助閱讀策略及閱讀平台,輔助閱讀策略分為結構策略及非結構策略,閱讀平台分為電腦閱讀及紙本閱讀。相依變數則為閱讀後的測驗成績。本次實驗的受試者為五十九位國小五年級的學童,隨機分派受試者至結構組、註記組及紙本組,結構組及註記組為電腦閱讀並使用電子螢光筆作為輔助閱讀的工具,但是結構組添加結構圖示的功能,而紙本組為紙本閱讀並使用螢光筆筆作為輔助閱讀的工具。   本次實驗的結果如下所述: 1.結構組及註記組的閱讀測驗成績顯著高於紙本組,即表示電腦閱讀能刺激學童學習的興趣,使得學童能保持輕鬆愉悅的態度閱讀,進而提高學童短期閱讀的成效。 2.透過測驗問題的分類所作的統計分析得知,相較於註記組的受試者,結構組及紙本組的受試者本身既有的社會科知識比較少,但是由於結構策略的加入,使得結構組在部份問題的測驗成績上顯著高於紙本組,而且不低於註記組,即表示結構策略能顯著提昇短期閱讀的成效。   整體而言,電腦閱讀能刺激學童學習的動機,使得學童能專注於學習,而本研究所發展的文章結構圖示軟體為一有效的教學工具,將可以提供未來教學者在訓練學童的組織能力上之協助與方向。


Along with the great leaps of information technology and digital knowledge, the electronic books for children are becoming more and more prosperous. The objective of this research is to develop a computer-based Text-Structure Visualization Software Tool, allowing users to read text, make highlight, and read text-structure visualization. The major functions of this aid reading software include Text-Structure Visualization, highlight texts. Current applications mainly utilized for annotation technology and word processor, were first investigated. Based on the results of the investigation and literature review, a Text-Structure Visualization Software Tool was developed.   This research designed one experiment to examine the effects of reading tools on reading comprehension. The first independent variable, reading strategy, had two levels: structure strategy and non-structure strategy. The second independent variable, reading device, had two levels: computer reading and paper reading. The dependent variable is comprehension test score. Fifty-nine volunteers, studied in Yu-Lin elementary school were divided into three groups. The first group was asked to read on the Computer display with structure visualization and highlight. The second group was asked to read on the computer reading with highlight. The third group was asked to read on the paper reading with highlight pen.   The main results of the experiments indicated the followings: 1.There was significant difference in short-term delay recall test score between computer reading and paper reading. This indicated that electronic reading would stimulate children to read text. 2.There was significant difference in short-term delay recall test score between structure strategy and non-structure strategy. This suggests that structure strategy could assist children to read text. Text Structure Visualization Tool is a new teaching strategy for children. Teachers are suggested to help children by training their ability of conceptual organizing.


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