  • 學位論文

「迴轉混色」應用於「並置混色」色彩預測之研究 ─ 以織物為例

The Experimental Application of 「Rotary Color Mixture」 Techniques on Predicting 「Juxtaposition Color Mixture」 Patterns ─ A Case Study of Woven Fabrics

指導教授 : 樊愛群 張謙允


以「並置混色」形成外觀色彩的產品可經常看到,例如服飾織品、玻璃馬賽克壁磚、家具外表裝飾、地毯、海報、包裝等。雖然並置混色原理的應用相當普遍,但欲準確預測混色結果,至今仍有其無法克服的難處。過去,商品生產過程中,一般色彩品管僅能倚靠「人眼色彩比對」進行。此方式不僅準確度差,亦浪費人力及物力資源。本研究則企圖提出一套以「迴轉混色」預測「並置混色」色彩變化的方式,並冀望以此方式克服目前產業所遭遇混色之難處。目前迴轉混色與並置混色的研究中,多偏重在理論性及色彩變化特性的分析研究上,而對於其實際應用較則缺乏,有待進一步探討。 為探索並置混色色彩預測之議題,本研究擬以三項研究目的,並於研究中分別以二個階段進行。首先,運用「光譜色度計」、及相關儀器,並以五項子題研究的實驗過程,掌握迴轉混色與並置混色色彩變化之特性。操作迴轉混色之不同變項及測色方式,建議並置混色之色彩預測條件。其中檢測的變項包括光源種類、測色之環境變項、及混色色樣及組成方式等。根據資料分析及統計,本研究第一階段,提出並置混色之色彩預測條件及相關參數,建構色彩預測之模式。為驗證色測預測條件之過程,故第二階段之研究,選用織物為樣本,依預測條件操作,檢視預測建議使用於織物材質中的適用性。 從本研究結果中,共提出四組以迴轉混色預測並置混色色彩變化之「通用條件」。其主要的操作原理,乃藉由測色時外在環境的改變,使二者之混色結果可相互接近。且此四組通用條件於「色票」與「織物」的考驗下,皆可達到預測色彩之效果。相信藉由本研究所提出之建議,對於業界所遭遇之色彩預測難題,將有絕對正面的助益。本研究建議未來之色彩研究,仍可針對研究提出之預測色彩概念,加以討論與修正。若於時間與經費的許可下,如能配合製作成一完整之「色彩預測儀器」,將可為業界所遭遇之混色難題以及色彩品管之應用,提供最直接的幫助。


並置混色 迴轉混色 織物


Many products of our daily life, such as clothes, mosaics, upholsters, carpets, posters, and wrapping papers, are produced with juxtaposed colors. In other words, these products have the appearance of “juxtaposed color mixture.” Although it is a commonplace for product design to do so, there is no telling how color mixture may turn out. To foresee what may happen after the mixture, “color matching” technique by naked eyes was employed in the past. Even though, the technique is blamed for its unreliability due to lack of precision. To resolve the problem theoretically and pragmatically, this study proposes an experimental mechanism to foresee color mixture via “Rotary color mixture.” Since both mixtures are highly theorized, but not fully utilized, particularly in relation to color appearance of product design, they deserve in-depth exploration. The research is completed in two stages. First, Spectra-Colorimeter (PR-650) is employed to determine the variables pertinent to color change through rotary color mixture and juxtaposition color mixture. In this way, the causal effect of rotary color mixture can be controlled in terms of the following parameters: illuminants, distance of measurement, illumination extent, and patterns of color mixture. In the second stage, textile fabrics of different weaving patterns are tested to help determine the schematic process of color prediction. Four conditions of color measurement are derived from the experiments to guarantee precision of color prediction. The reliability of this mechanism is further tested following the prescribed steps on color samples and textile fabrics. Such a result may be contributable to industrial purposes and future development of a tool handy for foreseeing the result of rotary or juxtaposed colors.


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