  • 學位論文


The Resistance Behavior of Professional Workers During System Integration-A Case Study in PDM, CAD and ERP Integration

指導教授 : 劉士豪


使用者之抗拒行為多半是資訊系統成敗的關鍵因素;若是將焦點聚集在單一系統的開發與導入成敗上,那麼研究的課題所要考慮的因子與複雜度尚屬單薄;若是將焦點聚集在既已存在的各式各樣的套裝軟體系統的整合成敗上,那麼研究的課題所要考慮的因子與複雜度就強勢多了;不論是單一系統的開發與導入或各式各樣的套裝軟體系統的整合,在整個過程中所牽涉到的不外乎下列三個因子: I、技術面, II、管理制度, III、個人因素與組織行為; 以目前軟硬體技術和發展之環境來看,技術面已經不是問題了;而管理制度、人的因素、組織行為可視之為一體多面;所以,欲解決在系統開發、導入和整合過程中,應從制度、人的因素、組織行為等面予以考慮,於事先防患於未然,事後必須能亡羊補牢。 過去有相當多的研究是關於一般使用者(End User)抗拒行為的研究,這些研究多半是研討實施資訊系統時,引起一般使用者抗拒行為的因素。而本研究則是針對專業人員(Professional users)在導入資訊系統並與其他既有之系統整合時,專業人員抗拒行為進而分析,並歸納致使產生抗拒行為的原因何在,再就是探討因專業人員之抗拒而可能造成之障礙。此處專業人員包括知識層面與管理層面(Knowledge Level and Management Level User)。 本研究探討歸納專業人員在執行製造業PDM與CAD、ERP系統整合過程中之抗拒行為,並分析推斷產生抗拒的原因,以作為企業在計畫並推行整合系統時之參考。 PDM和ERP系統整合為製造業必然趨勢,以達降低成本、精準管制物料、平準化排程、因應環境迅速變遷、滿足市場客戶需求不斷的變化、和保障企業的生存。 而CAD和PDM系統整合則可以為製造業提供降低成本、縮短新產品開發時程、增加新產品開發成功率、和鞏固同步工程與保障產品的品質。 產品資料管理(Products Data Management,PDM)和新產品開發簡介(New Products Introduction,NPI)的導入,並與CAD、ERP的整合過程中,導致整體系統流程(Process)之再造與修正,也因而引起資訊與資料(Data)的透明度和主控權微妙的變化,從而導致專業人員因恐企業組織的變革,而失去既有的權力結構,產生抗拒行為。 本研究專門針對某製造業公司系統整合與資料透明化過程中,對R&D(Research & Design)和MIS專業人員之主管與員工,對流程維(Process Dimension)及資料維(Data Dimension)的抗拒程度,在評估階段和導入階段,以訪談實錄為基礎,觀察整理並歸納出五類抗拒行為: i、無理由延宕專案進度。 ii、要求超額之資源。 iii、專案進行中不充分配合或拒絕配合。 iv、安排不適當專案人員。 v、組織部門間之衝突。 MIS主管在評估與導入階段,對PDM系統的導入及與CAD、ERP系統整合過中均展現抗拒行為,主因為資訊主控制權因系統整合而轉移,影響管理階層的權力結構;而MIS員工之抗拒行為主要係資訊主管之授意而造成。 至於R&D員工對Data的開放而產生相當強的抗拒行為,導因於原先新產品的開發與設計階段,其資料均儲存於工程師個人的開發工具及PC內,在PDM導入後使得R&D資料透明化,R&D員工失去對工程資料的控制權。 對R&D主管來說,因導入PDM以後,對Process & Data的掌控相對的昇高,同時亦可目視資料透明化,從而得以更有利於新產品開發,所以較少抗拒行為。 本研究歸結五個主要因素,造成專業人員的抗拒行為: 1、資料主控權的喪失。 2、工作地位或職位的降低。 3、流程控制權的改變。 4、組織部門間之衝突。 5、不願放棄舊有的規則和習慣。 根據本個案之研究與歸納發現: A、當資料(Data)的主控權有變動時,影響或改變擁有資料主控權的專業人員其權力與地位之均衡,因而產生抗拒行為。 B、當流程(Process)的控制權有變動時,影響或改變擁有流程控制權的專業人員其權力與地位之均衡,因而產生抗拒行為。 本研究係定性研究,主要係衡量與分析個體的心理構面,再進而推論抗拒行為的發生原因,建議後續議題可以擴充為以時間為縱斷構面之定量研究,並將專業人員與一般使用者作抗拒行為之原因比較及差異分析。本研究也說明了以上二命題所牽連的專業人員與抗拒行為間之關係,對於學術界與實務界提供了更關鍵的方向,以此為後續研究的主要課題。


The user resistance behavior is often the key factor to the success or fail of the information system. If focus on the single system development and deployment, it is less complicated than focus on the integration of the existing systems. There are three main factors involved in the process for both single system development, deployment or system integration of various software packages: I、Technical issues, II、Management system, III、Individual psychological factors and organization behavior; Consider the development of software and hardware technology, the technical issue is no longer a problem. The management system and organization behavior can be considered as two aspects of the same issue. Therefore, it is essential to be able to focus on the organization behavior, prevent before hand and make up afterward, during the system development, deployment and integration process. There are many investigations related to the End User Resistance Behavior. Those studies investigated the end users resistance behavior factors during the introduction of information system. But this study is focus on the resistance behavior of the Professional Workers. This study concludes the reasons and the barriers caused by the professional workers resistance behavior during the deployment and the integration of the existing system. Where the Professional Workers we define it as Knowledge Level and Management Level User. This study investigates the resistance behavior of professional users during a period of system integration. This is a case study in PDM, CAD and ERP system integration to find the cause of the resistance behavior. It is a trend to integrate the PDM and ERP systems in order to lower cost, control inventory, optimize production schedules, respond to changes in the market and to customer demand. CAD and PDM integration lowers the cost, minimizes NPI time, enhances the new products chance to success, and insures product quality. System integration changes data and control processes. Professional workers are forced to share information which introduces fear of changes in the power structure and control of the information. This is the main cause for resistance. For this study, we interviewed MIS workers and managers, R&D workers and managers, and measured the resistance toward data sharing(Data Dimension)and giving up control of operational processes(Process Dimension)–both during the systems evaluation periond and deployment period. Based on the interview and survey, there are five categories of resistance behavior: i、Delay the integration process. ii、Requesting extra resources. iii、Refusing to cooperate. iv、Sabotage by arranging unqualified professional workers. v、Inter-department conflict. The resistance behavior of the MIS manager during both evaluation period and introduction period is mainly related to the change in control of the information and data, influenced by the power structure in the management team. MIS worker resistance is mailnly in response to instructions from the manager. There is a strong resistance from R&D engineers to share information. The R&D engineers used to store the design of new products in their personal computer. After the PDM integration, the information is shared with management and other departments. Therefore, there is less resistance among R&D management. This study concludes that there are five main factors causing professional resistance: 1、Loss of control power over information and data. 2、Loss of power、position and status. 3、Change in the control ownership of the process. 4、Inter-departmental conflict. 5、Break the old pattern and rules According to the case studies, we discovered two subjects: A、The resistance behavior is caused by the changing of the control power of the Data which influenced the ownership of the data of the professional users and the equilibrium of their authority and their status. B、The resistance behavior is caused by the changing of the control power of the Process which influenced the ownership of the process of the professional users and the equilibrium of their authority and their status. This is a qualitative study to investigate psychological factors. A reasonable follow-up study will be quantitative analysis and compare the resistance differences among professional users and end users by time dimension. This study also explained the relation between professional user resistant behavior and the two subjects. It provides a key direction to academic and practical studies in the future.


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