  • 學位論文

居住者與「他們的」房子: 台灣住居空間(居家佈置)自我營造行動之研究

Inhabitants and “Their” House: A Study of Self-help Home Decoration in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳其澎


居住者與「他們的」房子 —台灣住居空間(居家佈置)自我營造行動之研究 摘要 本研究以「住居空間自我營造行動」為主要探討對象,挪用Henri Lefebvre的空間分析理論作為主要架構,從台灣現階段盛行的居家佈置與DIY現象觀察出發,以身體為取向,企圖呈現台灣在社會脈絡轉變中的「住居空間自我營造行動」,以及此中人與物、主體與結構間的關係,簡而言之,就是希望耙梳當代「自我營造行動」的形構機制與過程。最終目的在於:關注人的身體—主體如何在日常生活中實踐自己的住居空間,並將之置放回當代認同複雜的消費社會加以辨認。本研究認為: 1. 在消費社會中,「住居空間自我營造」行動並非隨著生產方式的改變而消失,而是揉合了商品邏輯,並被延長、轉型或分散(如:加入了想像、欲望、購買、使用、適應的過程),也就是說,住居空間與自我營造行動,始終是被社會地生產著,並且也同時生產著社會關係。這個形構的關係並非定著不變,而不斷動態地互相交鋒、拉扯與滲透,接合於特殊時勢下,以致住居空間自我營造行動也始終處在既變動又實存的樣貌中。 2. 自我營造的「空間實踐」面向,是經由長久的慣例和行動,為現代住居者奠立了一個不疑的既有居住常識世界,然而其中也充滿了衝突和矛盾。 3. 自我營造的「空間再現」面向,隨著消費社會發展,作為支配性強大的論述中介,逐漸佔據牽動對住居空間自我營造的想像,並有疏離人與環境關係的趨勢。 4. 自我營造的「再現空間」面向,則隱藏在居住者的日常生活經驗中,與身體—主體密切相關,特別是住居空間的自我營造,並且因此具有超越和創造的潛能。也就是說,筆者認為身體實踐營造了可居的場所,並且仍有克服空間商品化、異化之可能,是故,自我營造行動在住居空間的生產中應該被政治地解讀。最後,本研究指出,住居空間自我營造行動可有朝向「身體實踐」與「認同政治」開展,作為連結集體結構與個體行動議題的新思考可能。


Abstract The main Topic of this thesis is the “self-building action of dwelling space.” Taking the space analysis theory of Henri Lefebvre as its framework the thesis starts from observation of changing “self-building action of dwelling space” and the interrelationship between man and objects, or subject and structure, in the content of Taiwan society. To be short, we’ll sort out the construction mechanism and process of contemporary self-building actions, and our final target is to find out how human body-subject realizes their dwelling pace in their daily life, and identify these behaviors in a consumer society with multi-identities. In this thesis I assume: 1. Interacted with complicated social relations, the self-building actions of dwelling space in Taiwan is not only reflects the interactive power of several social forces, but also supports and enhances existing relationships. We want to put forth a positive explanation in this thesis that, the process of “self-help home decoration” does not disappear with the change of production in a consumer society. 2. With the prevailing capitalism, the intercourse composed by those who can take control of resources and have absolute advantages such as media, enterprises, production and selling logistics and technical bureaucracy has imprinted itself in space and is granted legitimacy. This has quite influenced the activity of inhabitants, and made the body experience in a dwelling space more and more abstract, tilting to a world comprised mostly of “representation of space.” 3. However, the real contents of inhabitation is lived by inhabitants themselves, but not completely operated by constructors, designers, or cultural industry. The function of construction is not always firm and stable, either. The long forgotten and replaced participation and experience of body in daily life has actually played an important role in the process space realization, and is the essential element that create familiarity with our living space, no matter in production societies. That is to say, we believe the realization of body will create inhabitable spaces and has the possibility to overcome the commercialization and dissimulation of space. Therefore, self-building action in the production of dwelling space should be comprehended politically. At last, this thesis pointed out that, the self-building action of dwelling space could direct to “body realization” and “political identity,” and open up new thoughts in the issue of linking collective construction and individual actions.


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