  • 學位論文

以共生生態之觀點探討無電梯中層公寓之更生設計 --以中原大學教職員宿舍為例

Design Research on the Renovation of Walk-up Duplex Apartment from the Perspective of Symbiosis --An Application for CYCU Faculty Housing

指導教授 : 喻肇青


論文摘要 環境的破壞及全球氣候的異變,讓人類驚覺到生存受到威脅,也更重視永續發展的重要,反省現今以貨幣所建構的重視所謂經濟成長的人類活動,造就了今日將自然與人類行為區分成可獲利及不可獲利的狹隘觀點,並將人類的滿足感與物質劃上等號,使得人類與真實世界間產生了一道極深的鴻溝,也迷失在物質滿足的假象中,社會越富裕人類的心靈卻越感空虛,人與周遭環境的關係成為本研究欲探討的主題。 本研究試圖以共生生態的觀點,對舊有住宅進行更生設計,針對舊有住宅更新是對於永續發展的積極回應,而所謂共生生態是將關懷的面向從物理性、生物性延伸到人性的層面,也就是不僅是看人與自然的共生關係,也要關心人與人、人與社會的共生關係,藉由對生活最基礎單位的改變,重新尋找回人類迷失的定位,使人類的生活得以重回「定居」的狀態。 本研究分成二部分進行,第一部份為對於共生生態理念的釐清,及針對共生生態住宅觀的提出與無電梯中層公寓的共生生態模式的建立。藉由對於共生生態理念的探討及對於舊有無電梯中層公寓的現況調查,發展出共生生態的理解架構及之後的模式建立,企圖藉由模式的建立,使共生生態的概念得以較真實的想像,以及在未來進行建築更生時的參考,建立可共同討論的共生生態語言。第二部分是對於之前的模式的檢驗,藉由將模式的實際應用於設計案例,來檢驗模式的適用性及所可能遭遇的困難,作為欲以此模式進行設計的參考案例。


Abstract The damage to the environment and change of global climate has shocked mankind of the threat of their existence. Mankind is now even more aware of the importance of lasting development. The reflection of today’s emphasis on the so-called economic growth of human activity building upon the currency has created the narrow view of differentiating the nature of human behavior as either profitable or unprofitable, and put an equal sign to the human satisfaction feeling and materialistic world. This has created an extremely wide gap between mankind and the real world, and people are lost in the false materialistic satisfaction. The richer the society the more empty feeling is the heart of mankind. The relationship between man and the surrounding environment is the topic this study intends to explore. This research attempts to use the concept of symbiosis in the regeneration of old department. Such regeneration of old department is a positive response to the lasting development of residents. The so-called symbiosis is to extend the caring aspect from physical and biological level to human level. In other words, not only the symbiosis relationship between human and nature but also the relationship among people and between people and the society are considered to find back the positioning that human has lost and return to the “settling” state of human life through changes in the most basic unit of living. This study is divided into two portions. The first portion is to clarify the concept of symbiosis, propose the concept of symbiosis residence, and establish the symbiosis model of mid-level department without elevator. The rational structure of symbiosis is developed and subsequently the model is established through the exploration of symbiosis concept and the survey of the condition of old mid-level apartment. The concept of symbiosis can be visualized through the establishment of models and can be used as reference for regeneration of the apartment in future with the establishment of symbiosis language for common discussion. The second portion is to review the previous model. The suitability of the model and problems possibly encountered are inspected through the case study of actual design application of the model and as a reference of people interested in using this model for design.


建築師雜誌 2001/8
江哲銘建築師事務所、成大建研所環境控制研究室 祐生基金會 1991
‧趙冰譯 馮紀忠校訂 Christopher Alexander著
‧劉安平譯 Dianna Lopez Barnett with William D. Browning
‧Brian Edwards & David Turrent


林祺挺(2005)。以「永續發展」為導向的老舊學生宿舍環境改造策略研究 -以中原大學力行宿舍為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500810
