  • 學位論文

「巧手起厝」: 921重建區中寮鄉植物染巧手工作坊參與式起厝經驗

Craft as Self-Build—An Empirical Study of Participatory Design, Partnership, Collaboration In Post-921 Earthquake Recovery Area A Case of Zao-sho Plant Dyeing Studio, Chungliao, Nantou

指導教授 : 喻肇青


摘要 921地震後南投縣中寮鄉,從災區急難救助、人員安頓、重建家園,慢慢蛻變成重建區。一群中寮農村婦女,在大家夥同協力參與之下,促成一個地方特色產業—「植物染」。並在89年9月,立案成立「中寮鄉植物染巧手工作坊」,持續發展地方特色產業與推廣中、小學環境教育。 首先,基於研究者在89年元月份自願投入,並參與中原大學—「親手建家園團隊」;以及相繼投入災區重建經驗下,試圖透過研究假設理念:參與規劃、夥同合作、協力營造,來達成研究目的:減少空間專業者的價值體系跟真實居民「起厝」間的差距;釐清空間專業者與使用者對「厝」的生活經驗差異;企圖運用在地技藝促成使用者自建、自營生活環境。 其次,本研究嘗試藉由訪談南中寮在地傳統匠師「起厝」技藝,以及參與觀察與評估分析研究個案「中寮鄉植物染巧手工作坊—新厝」參與式規劃設計的空間生成至夥同合作、協力營造空間,甚而達到研究目標—促成使用者自建、自營生活環境。再者,研究者針對這些概念進行檢驗與反省「新厝」空間營造過程,作為下次災區重建「起厝」相關依據參考的省思與想像。 研究最後,由研究者提出參與觀察心得與檢視反省:空間生成如何夥同合作、參與規劃、協力營造,甚而使用者自建、自營生活環境,進而運用在地空間傳統匠師「起厝」技藝幫助自己也幫助他人。


Abstract After Taiwan Big 921 Earthquake, Nantou County recovered from rescue to settlement, it stems from collapsing damages. A group of county women with aids made it possible that they created a traditional art of local crafts: plant dyeing. First, this study based on researcher’s experience on studying with those county women in the periods from April 2002 to December 2003. The hypothesis of this paper is attempting to practice three of the general principles on social or community architecture: participatory design, partnership, and collaboration. The purpose of this study is to reduce cognitions on dwelling—“Choe” in Taiwanese, between each others. The final goal is seeking to apply local craft arts on construction that makes residents to self-build and –manage their environment. Next, this study examined interview with local craftsmen and participant observation with those women and then evaluated the case of Zao-sho plant Dyeing Studio with the hypothesis to generate those women self-build and –manage their environment. Then, through researcher self-reflection on this case study is the possibility that hopes these could be the imagination and rethinking for other relevant researchers. Finally, to conclude and to draw up some key-points and -elements of study process in space construction is the next step after researcher self-reflection. Furthermore, hoping those suggestions could make residents to help some other people self-help-to-build and –manage their environment and then to help other people.


Henry Sanoff(2000)Community participation methods in design and planning New York: JW & S 2000
Michael Fagence(1977)Citizen participation in planning Oxford: PP 1977
Nabeel Hamdi(1991)Housing without house: participation, flexibility, enablement New York: VNR 1991


陳曉然(2011)。青年觀眾參與展覽相關教育活動的學習經驗 —以台北當代藝術館週末工作坊為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-0808201116043700
