  • 學位論文


The Project on the E-System of Students Affairs at Junior High School

指導教授 : 黃天佑


教師是決定教育改革成敗的關鍵性角色。然而,教師除了教學上的工作以外,尚須輔導學生生活、學習,與家長聯絡溝通,完成行政交付的工作,以及各類文件、報告,面對日益增加的工作量及教師考核制度的壓力,如何更有效率地完成工作,是一個相當值得研究的問題。 目前,是個競爭的時代,也是個講求品質、追求績效的時代,在資訊科技發展迅速的今日,如何運用資訊科技來改善工作流程,提昇教育品質,即為本研究的重點。 本研究旨在探討國中導師日常工作內容及方法,並運用數位技術改善現有工作流程,以增進工作效率及減少重複性工作。 本研究即是希望設計一種學生事務服務平台,運用資訊科技輔助工作上的進行,讓教師能透過電子化的學生事務服務機制,增進組織溝通效能、減輕文件記錄及考核報告的工作,進而提昇教學、輔導的品質。研究中首先探討教育改革對學校、教師、家長的改變,其次採討國中導師日常工作內容及方法、學生事務等文獻,作為建構本系統之理論依據。本研究採往覆式系統發展流程,以UML為系統分析工具,運用UML使用案例、活動圖及循序圖,配合使用Rational Rose工具軟體,為能顧及資訊系統的建置成本,本研究以三層式架構(distributed computing)為建構此教學資訊平台的基礎環境。


親師溝通 國中導師


Taiwan has been undergoing educational reforms for decades and teachers are always the key to success. However, teachers are often exhausted due to various tasks besides teaching like students counseling, contacting parents, paper work assigned by the administration and preparations for teaching, etc. The purpose of the project is to help improve teachers’ efficiency by designing a platform for handling students affairs. By employing a computer-based mechanism to lessen the burden of teachers’ administrative responsibilities, teachers can spend more time improving their teaching and counseling work. The first part of the project analyzes the impacts that current educational reforms have on schools, teachers and parents. Then the system is established according to the previous analysis and some researches on the routine work of homeroom teachers and their ways of approaching students affairs or problems. It adopts UML system-analysis tool , UML use case, activity diagram and sequence diagram; besides, Rational Rose software is incorporated as well. In order to reduce the cost of establishing the system, distributed computing is utilized as the basis of the platform.


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19. 陳煜清(民92)。提昇學校經營效能之理念與作法。學生事務期刊,42卷、4。
1. 行政院教育改革審議委員會(民85)。教育改革總諮議報告書。台北:行政院教育改革審議委員會。
2. 吳清山(民87)。學校效能研究。台北市:五南圖書出版公司。
