  • 學位論文


A Study on The Relationships among Volunteer’s Conflict Perception, Conflict Resolution Skills and Organizational Commitment for Religion Organizations

指導教授 : 吳美連


摘 要 八零年代以後,非營利組織在全世界蓬勃發展,台灣也已邁入非營利組織發展的競爭階段,同質性的非營利組織,彼此競爭着志工人力、財力資源;非營利組織是以志工為主要人力來源,因此志工人力資源的管理是不容忽視的一環,宗教組織是歷史最久、最大的非營利組織,研究宗教組織有助於對非營利組織研究。 本研究以宗教組織志工衝突認知、衝突處理技巧與組織承諾之關聯性為題,並以基督教的同工為研究對象,期望研究結果可供教會牧者作為志工管理實務的參考。本研究供歸納出以下的重要研究結果: 1.志工衝突認知與組織承諾具有顯著負相關。顯示當志工衝突認知愈強烈,則對其服務的組織之承諾度愈低。 2.志工衝突處理技巧與組織承諾具有顯著正相關。顯示衝突處理技巧愈得宜,則組織承諾度愈高,且採用兩贏的整合技巧,其組織承諾程度最高。 3.志工個人內外控取向性格特質與組織承諾成顯著正相關。 4.志工之服事職位與組織承諾呈現顯著之正相關,且督導幹部較一般同工具更高的組織承諾度。 5.志工之服事經歷與衝突認知呈顯著之正相關,且有服事經驗的同工其衝突認知較無經驗者高。 6.志工的性別與衝突處理技巧之競爭和整合技巧成顯著負相關,且男性同工較女性為高,服事職位則與逃避之衝突處理技巧成顯著負相關,一般同工較督導幹部顯著,服事經歷與競爭技巧呈現顯著之正相關,且有經驗之同工較為顯著。 7.志工個人的性別、服事職位與衝突處理技巧對組織承諾有顯著預測力,其中志工個人服事職位為最強的預測因子。


ABSTRACT After 80’s, the non-profit organizations experienced a vigorous development all around the world. The non-profit organization at Taiwan also stepped in to the competition stage of this development trend. Homogeneous non-profit organizations were competing with one another for both voluntary labor and financial resources. As such non-profit organizations obtained its manpower largely from voluntary workers, the management of manpower thus became critical. Given that the religious groups are one of the biggest and longest existing non-profit organizations around, the study of its management will provide a good insight into such voluntary manpower. This research is based on the connection of voluntary worker’s conflict perception, skills of conflict resolution and organizational commitment of religion organization, The subjects of this research are those voluntary workers at the Christian’s community. We are expecting that the finding of this research will provide an insightful reference for the church ministers and Christian voluntary workers. This research has concluded the following seven important finding : 1) The conflict cognition of voluntary workers has a significantly high inverse relationship with the organizational commitment. This reveals that if conflict cognition of voluntary workers increase, the organizational commitment will decrease. 2) The conflict resolution skills of voluntary workers have a significantly high degree of relationship with the organizational commitment. This shows that the better the conflict resolution skills used, the higher of organizational commitment will be obtained. If they are able to adopt the win–win collaboration skills, they will get the highest degree of organizational commitment. 3) The locus of control for voluntary worker’s personal characteristic has a significantly high degree of relationship with the organization commitment. 4) The position of the voluntary workers has a significantly high degree of relationship with the organizational commitment. Usually, the senior managing staffs or supervisors have a relatively higher degree of organizational commitment when compare to the ordinary voluntary workers. 5) The experiences of the voluntary workers have a significantly high degree of relationship with the cognition of conflict. This reveals that the experienced voluntary workers have a higher degree of conflict’s cognition when compare to the less experienced voluntary workers. 6) The gender of the voluntary workers has a significantly high inverse relationship with the competition in conflict resolution’s skills and collaboration skills. The male voluntary workers have a relatively higher degree of relationship than female voluntary workers; the position of the voluntary workers has a significantly high inverse relationship with avoiding of using conflict resolution’s skills. The ordinary voluntary workers have a relatively higher degree of relationship than senior managing staffs or supervisors; the experiences of the voluntary workers have a significantly high degree of relationship with competition skills. The experienced voluntary workers have a relatively higher degree of relationship than the less experienced voluntary workers. 7) The relationship between conflict’s perception of voluntary workers, skills of conflict resolution and organizational commitment are significantly influenced by the personal characteristic of individual voluntary workers.


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18.帥韻儀 (2003),以問題解決為導向之衝突問題解決模式建立之研究,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文


胡淑貞(2008)。壽險業師徒功能對組織社會化及組織承諾的影響- 以國際紐約人壽為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2008.00033
