  • 學位論文


The Preliminary Study of Analyzing the Productivity of Labor for Constructing the Traditional Architecture ─ Taking Wooden Structural Components for Example

指導教授 : 薛琴


摘 要 台灣傳統建築修護雖已累積了近二十年的實務經驗,但仍常可見:未能確實由具有傳統技術的匠師,使用傳統的技術及方法進行修護,以使傳統建築修護後仍保存原有之色彩、形貌的現實與感嘆! 本研究試圖由施作工率分析來探究影響修護品質的課題,透過傳統建築大木作施作工率分析的探討,瞭解以傳統技術及方法進行傳統建築大木構件施作所需之合理工率與規範,以提供修護實務、修護經費與實現保存原有色彩及形貌間的初步參考。本研究的章節內容分為: 第一章 緒論 研究動機、目的及研究範圍與方法。 第二章 工率分析文獻、史料彙整 透過宋《營造法式》、清《工程做法》、中國大陸傳統建築及台灣現代建築工程等施作工率分析的彙整,提供台灣傳統建築工率分析架構、方法及影響因素等參考。 第三章 大木作構件施作工率觀察、訪談及記錄 嘗試經由木作匠師實際施作大木構件的工率記錄、訪談匠師施作大木構件之經驗估工記錄等,獲得大木構件施作工率分析的實務資料。 第四章 大木構件施作工率探討 由上述成果首先就影響大木構件施作之材料、工具、匠師、構件、規範等影響因素進行釐清;再據以草擬大木構件施作工率分析之雛形;最後與修護工程大木構件施作工率進行比較及探討,以瞭解修護工程大木構件施作工率分析之現況。 第五章 結論及建議 綜合前述各章的成果,對於台灣傳統建築及其大木作施作工率分析作一探討及建議。 關鍵字:傳統建築、工率分析、大木作。


工率分析 大木作 傳統建築


Abstract Although the practical experience of repairing and maintaining traditional architecture in Taiwan has been accumulated for almost 20 years, in some cases, the following situations are still happened frequently which make us feel regret about them: the repairing constructions are unable to make by those artisans with traditional repairing techniques, or without applying traditional skills and ways while maintaining traditional architectures to recover their original colors and appearances after repair. This study tries to approach the subject of affecting the quality of repair by analyzing the productivity of labor. Through the exploration of analyzing the productivity of labor for the wooden structural components of traditional architecture, we will realize the reasonable productivity of labor and regulations by applying traditional techniques and ways to construct the wooden structural components of traditional architecture. Thus, the study will not only provide the basic references for practical experience and expenditure of repairing, but also the preservation of the original colors and appearances for traditional architecture. The contents of this study are listed as follow chapters: Chapter 1. Introduction This chapter describes the research motive, purpose, category, and method. Chapter 2. Collecting the related documents, and historical data about the analysis of the productivity of labor Through collecting the information of analyzing the productivity of labor for constructing from the following data: “Ying Tsao Fa Shih” of the Sung Dynasty, “Gong Cheng Zuo Fa” of the Ching Dynasty, traditional architecture of China mainland, and the modern architectural construction of Taiwan, we are able to provide references for the structure, method, and affecting factors of analyzing the productivity of labor for traditional architecture of Taiwan. Chapter 3. Observing, interviewing, and recording the productivity of labor for constructing the structure of wooden components The study tries to get practical data of constructing the wooden structural components through the records of carpenters’ productivity of labor while constructing wooden structural components, and the records of estimating the productivity of labor with experiences by interviewing with carpenters, and so on. Chapter 4. Investigate the productivity of labor for constructing wooden structural components First of all, through the results we get from those preceding chapters, the study clarifying the materials, tools, carpenters, components, regulations, etc. that would affect the construction of wooden structural components. And then, the study drafts an embryonic the analysis of the productivity for constructing the wooden components. At last, comparing it with the productivity of labor for constructing the wooden structural components and make a discussion, to understand the actual situations of the productivity of labor for constructing wooden structural components. Chapter 5. Conclusion and Suggestion Synthesizing the results from the previous chapters, the study make a discussion and suggestion for the traditional architecture in Taiwan and its productivity of labor for constructing structural components. Key words: traditional architecture, analysis of productivity of labor, wooden structural components


梁思成,1984,《營造法式註釋 卷上》,台北:明文書局。


馬少峻(2012)。台灣傳統大木司傅梁紹英作品之研究 ─ 以林口鄉竹林山觀音寺、桃園縣觀音鄉廖氏宗祠為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200889
