  • 學位論文

限制理論問題管理模式之評析與修正 -以九年一貫課程改革方案為例-

Analyzing and Revising the TOC Problem Solving Model For Nine-year Compulsory Education

指導教授 : 王晃三


問題解決本來就是生活中不可或缺的一部份,隨著時代的發展,當今的問題日趨龐大且複雜,因此,今日問題解決者面臨問題時,不僅需要『解決』,尤其需要有效的『管理』。 所謂問題管理模式就是問題解決者為有效掌握問題解決的過程,所採用的結構化、系統化的機制。如何發展適切的問題管理模式是一個重要的研究課題。 歷來,各領域專家已發展各種不同的問題管理模式,其中,限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)為運用常識管理及瓶頸概念來管理問題之方法,它以系統化、結構化的方式辨認與處理各種問題,對於處理複雜的問題尤其有用。然而,TOC問題管理模式在運作上仍存在某些缺口,以及窒礙難行之處,致使生手難以靈活運用,因此,本研究選定TOC問題管理模式為本研究重心,加以評析與修正,發展為一個有效且適用的問題管理模式。 本研究採用個案研究的方式進行,欲藉由限制理論問題管理模式處理選定的個案問題,觀察其運作過程、方式,並評析此問題管理模式之運作優點特質與缺失不足之處,用以作為修正模式的基礎。 我國自從推行教育改革以來,由於思慮不週、執行不當,引發社會的不安與疑慮,而九年一貫課程改革又為近年來教育改革中最為重視的一項方案,此問題個案牽涉廣泛且相當複雜,頗適合問題TOC之應用,所以選定它作為本研究之問題個案。 在本研究中完成的重點為以下五個部分:(一)釐清問題解決與問題管理、問題管理模式與問題管理歷程之異同、(二)問題管理模式需要具備哪些特點與性質、(三)各種問題管理模式之介紹、(四)九年一貫課程方案之個案研究、(五)評析TOC問題管理模式之優點、盲點與修正。 本研究所提出的修正模式,有助於讓問題解決的生手採用TOC,得以迅速掌握問題的關鍵要點,有效解決問題。


Problem solving has played a vital in human evolution. Also, problems evolve with time, and they only turn out to be more in quantity and more complex in quality. Therefore, problem solvers have to not only solve problems but also manage them effectively. Problem management model provides problem solvers a structuralized and organized framework to handle the problem management process effectively. Thus, how to develop a suitable problem management model is the target of our in-depth study. Through the human history, experts in various fields have developed a number of different problem management models. Among the contemporary problem management models, the Theory of Constrains (TOC) is to effectively identify and deal with problems, especially subtle and complex ones, in a systematized and structuralized way by common sense management and bottleneck concept. However, there are still some defects and bottlenecks that prevent rookies from using it with ease. That’s why we target on the TOC problem management model, and try to analyze and adjust it, and furthermore to develop it into an improved and effective management model. We will implement the TOC problem management model on the case study and observe its operation sequences and methods. By means of that, we are able to analyze the merits and demerits of this model, and take them as reference to our improved problem management model. Since the Education Reform was carried out, it has been criticized for lack of deliberation and proper arrangements. And, the Grade 1-9 Curriculum is considered the most important program of the Education Reform these years. We choose the Grade 1-9 Curriculum as the source for the case study because of its complexity and multifarious involvement. Our study includes fives key aspects: (1) Clarifying the difference between problem solving and problem management, and that between problem management model and problem management procedures, (2) The characteristics and functions of the problem management model, (3) Introduction to various problem management models, (4) Case study on the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, (5) Analyzing and discussing the strong and weak points of the TOC problem management model By gaining more insights from the study, we hope to enable the users of TOC to grasp the main ideas of problems efficiently and to implement the TOC problem management model more smoothly.


38. 溫在正,民90,問題解決歷程之架構分析研究,中原大學工業工程系所碩士論文
42. 蔡文銘,民92,限制理論問題管理模式之研究,中原大學工業工程系所碩士論文
44. 顏貽楨,民90,創意式問題管理一般化模式之研究,中原大學工業工程系所碩士論文
46. 羅盛文,民92,品質小組問題管理模式之研究,中原大學工業工程系所碩士論文
1. Duncker, 1945, On problem solving, Psychilogical Monographs, 58, No.5.


