  • 學位論文

La New 老牛皮國際股份有限公司足部研究所複合機能空間設計

A Design project of mix-function space for La New footcare center

指導教授 : 胡寶林


摘 要   La New老牛皮國際股份有限公司為國內近年來一個異軍突起的鞋業,有別於其他目前市面上所販售鞋類,大部份均以著重流行、線條美觀,顏色絢麗為主,而是以健康、舒適為主要經營訴求。由於製鞋業者繁多,又多半未以使用者健康與疾病為設計訴求,導致眾多消費者本身原有痼疾,加上長期穿著不適當鞋種導致病情更加嚴重,傷害足部健康,例如:脊椎側彎,姆指外翻……等。因此該公司計畫創立一個前所未有的複合機能空間-以足部健康為主題的“足部研究所”,並委託筆者以論文學術研究規劃、設計及施工。 “足部研究所”成立之主要目的,就企業經營者方面而言,主要利用展演的方式,將企業精神,藉由戲劇性的展現出來,並透過空間內容,取得消費者對企業的認同與信心;在消費者方面,除了強調“知性消費”,標榜新時代健康鞋品的推廣外,另外還新闢醫師診斷部門,讓消費者能透過專業了解自己的腳型,選購一雙適合自己的鞋;在員工方面,帶入“辦公室社區化”的觀念,帶動新的風氣,設下午茶時間,讓員工得以休閒,並規劃大型會議中心,舉辦各種康樂活動。   本案規劃範圍主要是以La New老牛皮國際股份有限公司設於汐止的辦公室六樓,其中的四個單位共四百八十坪之室內空間為主,根據業主的需求作規劃、設計及施工。空間的主題架構,分為展示、診斷、製鞋及辦公四個主要的機能,在設計的方法上,將依空間的特性及類型作探討,並分析空間軸線,作整體性空間配置,再依細部需求,規劃區域內之細部空間,以滿足此複合型機能空間。在空間概念上,是以場所精神為出發,藉由參與式設計,將成果作一彙總,再透過亞歷山大(Alexander,C.)模式語言之空間品質的操作,將業主的理念轉為設計概念,進而發展細部設計,落實在實質的空間中。 在施工方面,擬定專案的控管計劃,於施工前與施工的過程皆遵循計劃執行,以期達到預定的理想,經過實質施工完成後,產生的成果則轉化為以“服務”作為廣告投資,而非委外另作廣告。此外,這個研究成果不但可作為其他產業共同努力的目標,也是本設計論文執行的一大期望。


Abstract La New Corp. is a new force in the footwear industry in Taiwan. Different from other footwear available on the market that stresses fashion design and bright colors, footwear by La New emphasizes on healthy and comfortable wear. Although there are a large number of footwear manufacturers in Taiwan, most of them took no interest in footwear design for health and illness treatment purposes, and resulted in customers suffering severe illness due to long-time wear of inappropriate footwear. Some damages to feet include Scoliosis, Hallux valgus, etc. The company plans to establish an unprecedented composite functional space, the “Institute of Feet Research” that concerns over the health of feet, and commissions the writer to design, plan, and construct the space as a research work of my master degree. The purpose of the “Institute of Feet Research”, to a business operator, is to exhibit the corporate essence through a dramatic manifestation, and to gain the consumer identification and loyalty through space. To consumer, the space not only stresses “intellectual consumption” and advertises the healthy footwear of the new era but also includes diagnostic department to help consumers learning about the shape of their feet and selecting a pair of footwear suitable for them. To employees, the space incorporates the concept of “community office” with new atmosphere, provides afternoon tea space for the leisure of employees, and large conference halls for recreational activities. The planned space is at the sixth floor of the La New Shihjr Office, comprises four units totaling 480ha. The planning, design, and construction are according to the demand of the employer. The space comprises four functional areas, exhibition, diagnosis, manufacturing, and office. The design concept is based on the spatial features and types, as well as the analysis of spatial axis, to map out the detailed spaces to meet the composite functions of the space. In terms of the spatial design, based on the facility essence, it incorporates the participatory design, converts the concept of the employer to a design concept through manipulation of spatial quality of Alexander C. model language, and realizes the detailed design in the actual space. In terms of construction, the pre- and post-construction processes follow the project to meet the expected goal. Upon the completion of the construction, the outcome is transformed into “service” as advertisement investment, instead of outsourced advertisement. Additionally, the research result not only serves as a consensus goal to other industries but also the objective of this study.


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葉永富(2009)。Taiwan Nikon旗艦店之空間設計研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2009.00865
