  • 學位論文


The attribution, perceived dangerousness, and social distance of different psychiatric symptoms: A study with general community population

指導教授 : 譚偉象


摘 要 本研究以五種精神疾病:精神分裂症、憂鬱症、酒精濫用、強迫症、藥物濫用,瞭解民眾對不同精神疾病的反應,以證明民眾對不同精神疾病症狀的歸因、危險覺知及社會距離有差異,並企圖瞭解在不同精神病症狀下,歸因及危險覺知如何影響社會距離反應。 研究工具共包含五個部分,分別為:研究對象基本資料、歸因向度量表、危險覺知量表、社會距離量表、各精神疾病症狀短文(包含精神分裂症、憂鬱症、強迫症、藥物濫用、酒精濫用),研究工具符合信、效度要求。本研究樣本為社區民眾,以立意取樣選取台北縣市、台中市及高雄市等社區為樣本,詢問社區民眾受測意願,同意受測者給予問卷填寫,共收取314名社區民眾為研究樣本。 研究結果如下:研究結果呈現出:(一)五種精神疾病的穩定歸因有顯著差異,民眾對各精神疾病的穩定歸因略偏向穩定、不會隨時間改變的;(二)五種精神疾病的個人因素可控制性歸因有顯著差異,民眾對各精神疾病的個人因素可控制性歸因並無特別傾向;(三)五種精神疾病的外在因素可控制性歸因有顯著差異,民眾對五組精神疾病的外在因素可控制性歸因並無特別傾向;(四)五種精神疾病的因果根源歸因有顯萛t異,民眾對五組精神疾病的因果根源歸因偏向個人或內在歸因;(五)五組精神疾病的危險覺知有顯著差異,民眾對精神疾病的危險覺知反應定無特別傾向;(六)五種精神疾病的社會距離有顯著差異,民眾對五組疾病的社會距離反應並無特別傾向;(七)民眾對精神分裂症的社會距離取決於危險覺知、穩定歸因及因果根源(內在歸因);民眾對憂鬱症的社會距離取決於危險覺知;民眾對酒精濫用的社會距離取決於因果根源(內在歸因)、危險覺知、個人因素可控制性及穩定;民眾對強迫症的社會距離取決於危險覺知、穩定及個人因素可控制性;民眾對藥物濫用的社會距離取決於危險覺知、個人因素可控制性及因果根源(內在歸因)。 本研究最後根據研究結果進行討論並對後續研究提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the general community population’s reaction to different psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, depression, alcohol abuse, OCD, and drug abuse. The study tried to prove that the attribution, perceived dangerousness, and social distance of different psychiatric symptoms were significantly different. This study attempted to investigate how the attribution and perceived dangerousness affect the social distance reaction under different psychiatric symptoms. There were five instruments in this study : basic demographic data, Causal Dimension Scale-II, Dangerousness Scale, Social Distance Scales and psychiatric symptoms vignettes ( including schizophrenia, depression, alcohol abuse, OCD, and drug abuse).The validity and reliability of the instruments were satisfactory. The sample consists of 314 citizens from Taipei city, Taipei county,Taichung city, and Kaohsiung city. Results revealed that: 1) The degree of stable attribution between the five disorders was significantly different, and did not change by time. 2) The degree of personal controllability between the five disorders was significantly different, and was towards to having personal controllability. 3) The degree of external controllability between the five disorders was significantly different, and was towards to having external controllability. 4) The degree of locus of causality between the five disorders was significantly different, and was towards to having internal attribution. 5) The degree of dangerousness between the five disorders was significantly different, and was towards to being dangerous. Most citizens agreed that the five disorders were dangerous. 6) The degree of social distance between the five disorders was significantly different. 7) Regarding social distance reaction, the contributing factors with respect to different disorders were as follows : (a)schizophrenia-dangerousness, internal attribution, and stability. (b)depression-dangerousness. (c)alcohol abuse-dangerousness, personal controllability, stability, and internal attribution. (d)OCD-dangerousness, stability, and personal controllability. (e)drug abuse-dangerousness, personal controllability, and internal attribution. The implications and contribution of this research were also discussed.


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