  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Teacher Job Stress and Satisfaction of Elementary School Resource Room teachers in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 任麗華


私立中原大學研究所碩士論文摘要 研究所別:中原大學教育研究所特殊教育組 論文名稱:桃園縣國小資源班教師工作壓力與工作滿意度相關之研究 指導教授:任麗華博士 研究生:鄭媛文 論文摘要內容: 本研究旨在探討國民小學資源班教師感受工作壓力與工作滿意之情況。主要研究目的為下列幾項:一、探討國小資源班教師所感受的壓力情形。二、探討國小資源班教師所覺知的工作滿意度。三、比較不同背景變項之國小資源班所感受的工作壓力的差異情形。四、比較不同背景變項之國小資源班所覺知的工作滿意的差異情形。五、探討國小資源班教師工作壓力與工作滿意的相關情形。六、分析國小資源班教師工作壓力與不同背景對工作滿意之預測力。 本研究以桃園縣十三鄉鎮市國民小學不分類身心障礙資源班正式教師為母群體,以普查方式取得153位國小資源班教師為研究對象,採用問卷調查方式,以研究者自編之「國小資源班教師工作狀況與感受問卷」為調查工具,回收問卷138份,有效問卷135份,可用率為88.24%。並以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析和逐步多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,結果獲致下列結論: 一、國小資源班教師感受工作壓力的平均得分為3.39,屬於中等程度;其工作壓力層面的平均得分,由高至低依序為:時間運用、社會支持、工作條件、管教學生及角色壓力。 二、國小資源班教師覺知工作滿意的平均得分3.21,屬於中等程度;其工作滿意層面的平均得分,由高至低依序為:教學環境、工作報酬、教學工作、人際觀係、教學興趣規劃、行政支持層面。 三、教師背景變項與工作壓力並無顯著差異。 四、教師部份背景變項與工作滿意有顯著差異:性別「男性」、年齡「50歲以上」、教育程度「碩士」、教學總年資「11年以上」的教師,所覺知的工作滿意最高。 五、工作壓力與工作滿意具有負顯著相關。 六、教師部分背景變項與工作壓力感受程度對工作滿意覺知程度具有預測力:「時間運用」、「教育程度」、「管教學生」三個變項對於「教學工作」層面之工作滿意,具有顯著預測力;「社會支持」、「教育程度」二個變項對於「教學環境」層面之工作滿意,具有顯著預測力;「工作條件」、「學校規模」、「管教學生」、「教育程度」四個變項對於「行政支持」層面之工作滿意,具有顯著預測力;「工作條件」、「教育程度」、「任教資源班年資」三個變項對於「工作報酬」層面之工作滿意,具有顯著預測力;「工作條件」、「教育程度」、「性別」、「年齡」四個變項對於「人際關係」層面之工作滿意,具有顯著預測力;「工作條件」、「教育程度」、「年齡」、「特教專業背景」四個變項對於「教學興趣規劃」層面之工作滿意,具有顯著預測力;「工作條件」、「教育程度」二個變項對於「整體工作滿意」,具有顯著預測力。 最後,依據研究發現所提出建議如下: 對教育行政主管機關方面:增加國小行政職員的編制;每校設立資源班,方便學生就近就學;特教評鑑項目統一和簡化。對學校主管方面;適當分配行政工作;暢通溝通管道,有助意見表達。對資源班教師方面;瞭解學生優弱勢,建立適當的教學期望;妥善經營人際關係,發揮親和力特質。


Abstract The purpose of the study is to look into the teacher job stress, satisfaction, their relationship and effects of variables of the resource room program teachers at elementary school in Taoyuan County. Focuses of this study are— To investigate how resource room teachers in elementary schools sense their job stress, 1. To investigate how resource room teachers in elementary schools sense their job stress, 2. To find out what degree resource room teachers in elementary school are aware of their job satisfaction, 3. To compare on the differences of their sensitiveness of job stress among elementary resource room teachers with different background variables, 4. To compare on the differences of their sensitiveness of job satisfaction among elementary resource room teachers with different background variables, 5. To search for the correlation between job stress and job satisfaction of resource room teachers in elementary schools, 6. To analyze job stress of elementary resource room teachers with different background variables, and thereby, to predict their job satisfaction , 7. To interview 10 resource-room teachers to understand their views of facing job stress, and their relative suggestions of resource rooms. The subjects of the study are elementary resource room teachers in Taoyuan County. Taking census of 153 teachers and questionnaire survey are adopted. Self-edited “Questionaire on Work Situation and Work Feelings of Resource Room Teachers in Elementary School” is used as a survey tool, with 153 responses, 135 valid responses, and a validity rate of 88.24%. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis are adopted for statistic analysis. The results are--- 1. The job stress for resource room teachers in elementary schools is moderate. 2. The job satisfaction for resource-room teachers in elementary schools is moderate, 3. There is no statistical correlation between teacher’s job stress and personal background. 4. Background variables of male, over fifty years old , with master degree, teaching over 11years are statistically correlated with job satisfaction. 5. Pearson product-moment correlation existed negative relationship between job stress and job satisfaction, and 6. Part of background variables and sensitiveness of job stress can be used to predict awareness of job satisfaction


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