  • 學位論文

產品來源國形象、訂價策略對消費者 購買意願之影響 —以涉入程度及產品類別為實驗設計

The Consumers’ Buying Intension Effect of Country of Origin and Pricing Strategy—Experimental Design of Degree of Involvement and Product Category

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


在台灣加入世貿組織(WTO)之際,由於全球經濟結構迅速的國際化及自由化,消費者有很多機會面臨國際分工下的混血產品(hybrid products),因此探討來源國對消費者購買的影響是很重要的(Lin & Kao,2004)。不過由於來自國外產品的資訊缺乏,而不容易正確地判斷該產品的品質,所以有學者主張消費者是以來源國(Country-of-Origin)的暗示來判斷而購買(Keller,1998),所謂來源國意指「Made In」,就是代表某產品所製造的資訊。如:Made In France就給人Fashion的印象(Chanel、LV),Made In USA就給人Technical的印象(微軟、IBM)。所以來源國暗示是對消費者購買意願有影響的。 除了產品來源國形象以外,影響消費者購買意願的因素很多,本研究認為價格甚為重要。價格是買方願意為一項產品或服務支付的貨幣性總額(Anderson & Vincze,2000)。價格是行銷組合中的一個重要影響因素,故本研究欲探討廠商訂價策略對消費者購買意願的影響。 以往的研究曾經有人採用過電視機、錄放影機、微波爐、食物處理器與剃刀等產品,也有人將產品分成常購品與非常購品,然而分類並不清楚,所以本研究擬分別採用一便利產品與一特殊產品進行實驗操作,以前測問卷選擇出行動電話及洗髮精為測試產品。 消費者基於本身的需求、價值觀及興趣而對某事物所感覺到的攸關程度不同所以對於該事物有不同的涉入程度(Zaichkowsky,1985) ,所以本研究擬採用在不同涉入程度下,探討消費者對於不同產品來源國形象、不同訂價策略與不同產品類型對於消費者購買意願的影響。 本研究採實驗設計研究方法,為一3×2×2×2共24組之實驗設計,以大學生及研究生對研究對象,發放問卷905份,有效問卷745份,研究發現: 1.受測者之購買意願是日本(4.1964)>台灣(3.8655)>中國大陸(2.9081),由此可推估,消費者對於Made In Taiwan已經日漸接受,台灣已然漸漸擺脫以往產品品質不佳的形象,表示「台灣精品」在國內的推行,已逐漸有效果顯現。 2.受測者對於台灣及日本製的產品有相當的知覺品質,因此對於廠商訂價策略會敏感,也就是說,消費者對於台灣及日本製的產品採吸脂訂價願意接受,表示消費者認同台灣與日本製產品的品質,在這個前提之下,若廠商以一特別名義作短期間的滲透訂價,消費者的購買意願將會被提高。故本研究建議台灣廠商之訂價策略可以漸漸走向吸脂訂價,當然是在產品品質良好的前提之下。 3.本研究結果顯示,對於行動電話高度涉入者而言,產品來源國家別較企業訂價策略來的重要,另外,高度涉入者對於中國大陸的購買意願偏低,至於台灣與日本,高度涉入者對台灣與日本的行動電話都具信心,但認為日本廠商比台灣廠商更適合走吸脂訂價。對於行動電話低度涉入者,產品來源國家別與企業訂價策略一樣重要,在對中國大陸行動電話之購買意願方面,與高度涉入者有一致的結果,呈現偏低的狀況,在日本行動電話購買意願方面,若企業採吸脂訂價,購買意願則有微幅上漲的趨勢,顯示低度涉入者對於日本的行動電話有信心,至於台灣行動電話購買意願方面,若企業採取吸脂訂價,購買意願則大幅下降,顯示低度涉入者對台灣的行動電話較無信心。根據研究結果,我們可知,台灣行動電話廠商的努力已被高度涉入者所接受,但是仍未被低度涉入者所接受,企業應該針對低度涉入之族群加強台灣行動電話之品質,進而刺激低度涉入者之買氣。


Since Taiwan joins WTO, consumers face many kinds of hybrid products. Therefore, discussing how “Country of Origin” affects “Consumers’ Buying Intention” is essential. Due to the lack of hybrid products’ information, consumers couldn’t determine the real quality of product. Thus, there are many scholars advocated that “Consumers’ buying intention” is decided by “Country of Origin”. That is “Made In”. For example, “Made In France” gives us impression of fashion, just like Chanel and LV. “Made In USA” gives us impression of technical, just like Microsoft and IBM. Except “Country of Origin”, there are lots of factors could affect “Consumers’ Buying Intention”, this research believe “Price” is significant to consumers. “Price” is a important factor to marketing mixture. Therefore, this research wants to discuss how “Price Strategy” affects “Consumers’ Buying Intention”. Previous research used TV, video recorder, microwave oven, shaver. This research uses a convenience good and a specialty good for experimental design. Use pretest chose cellphone and shampoo as test products. Consumers based on their own demands, values and interesting, they feel different relevance, so they have different involvement degree. This research wants to see how different involvement degree, different country of origin, different price strategy and different products affect consumers’ buying intention. This research uses experimental design, it’s a 3×2×2×2 factor design. Use graduates and undergraduates for experiment. There are 745 effective questionnaires. We discover as following: 1. Consumers’ buying intention: Japan(4.1967)>Taiwan(3.8655)>China(2.9081), we could guess, consumers have accepted “Made In Taiwan”, Taiwan has broken away form the impression of bad quality. “ Taiwan Innovalue” reveals some effects in Taiwan. 2. Consumers think the products of “Made In Japan” and “Made In Taiwan” have good quality, therefore, they are sensitive to price strategy. It means if firms use a short term penetration price strategy, consumers will increase their buying intention. Thus, this research suggests Taiwan could use skimming price strategy stage by stage. 3. For cellphone-high involvement consumers, Country of Origin is more important than price strategy. They are not interested in Made In China’s cellphone. They have confidence with Made In Japan and Made In Taiwan’s cellphone, but Japan’s firms are more suited than Taiwan’s firms in skimming price strategy. For cellphone-low involvement consumers, Country of Origin and price Strategy play important roles. They are not interested in Made In China’s cellphone. If Japan’s firms use skimming price strategy, there is a tiny increasing buying intention. It means they have confidence with Japan’s cellphone. If Taiwan’s firms use skimming price strategy, there is a huge decreasing buying intention. It means they don’t have confidence with Taiwan’s cellphone. We can see that, high involvement consumers could accept Taiwan’s cellphone, but low involvement consumers couldn’t.


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