  • 學位論文


An Establishment Of Distance Monitor Platform For Virtual Tooling Factory

指導教授 : 陳夏宗


全世界正在嚴格落實綠色設計,目標是作到零廢產出,其次是盡可能作到減廢及減量的工作,而模具工業是一項耗費能源的工作,鋼材的熔煉、製程中的設備動力、設計變更(設變)的補銲或重新製作模塊的耗損等。因此本研究發展了ㄧ個現今在業界還沒有存在的新觀念:採用『四層式進度表』配合顏色警示管理的『模塊爆炸圖』作『目視管理』。即是開發一套管理平台自模具設計開始前讓客戶、設計者及製造者間可以提早參與、即時的溝通及經驗分享,展開『防止同樣問題在下次再度發生』(再發防止)、效率改善及品質改善的討論,達到預防錯誤發生的共識對策,防止重複的弊端在模具製作或試打時發生,免除可能疏忽、異常、設變而導致後續作錯或重作的工程困難及時間、能源、成本的耗損及浪費。 模具製作中客戶隨時從上載於虛擬實體模具廠遠距監控管理平台內的數位影像檔及必要的文件得知最新的模塊品質及進度,翔實如親臨模具廠。對模具製作上所發生的異常及設變處置等問題點可以第一時間就作決定,大大提高製模的效率及簡化流程管理。模具開發完成後整套數位資訊及其編製模板可做為內部人員非同步的培訓,它將縮短新進人員的訓練時間及防止相同錯誤的發生。對同類型產品第一套模具的進度表在Project軟體上輸入編輯約需4--6小時與傳統手編相似,當有機台、人力衝突及設變時利用Project 2003可以快速修訂完成,而第二套類似模具以後則可將前一套進度表的模板作差異資料的修正後立即得到一份新的日程表,約可省下75%編製時間,且具正確連結性。


虛擬監控 專案管理 模具


Green Design is a “ Must” policy on developing product and tool. The target is to create zero waste, while next is to reduce to a limited waste and its volume. This thesis develop a complete new concept platform of four tier schedules co-operate with color-coded warning control of 2D “Explosive mold parts drawing” as an managing tool of “Visual management” is a pioneering innovation in mold making industry. On time delivery by “Do the right thing in the first time” and the aim to cut down the loss of time, energy and cost by abnormal and unnecessary engineering change( EC) through early involvement strategy and mutual communication among customer, mold designer and manufacturer through a Distance Monitor Platform will result a common consensus to prevent repeated errors during mold making and mold trial, meanwhile to improve quality and efficiency at the moment of mold start to design. Customer monitors the mold parts quality and update status by digital videos and pictures together with control forms and sheets during mold making through Platform. He can make the “real time decision” if tool problem occurs, thus a great improve the mold making efficiency and simplify the management of production flow. Non-concurrent computer simulation of finished developing digital files will shorten junior’s mold make learning time and teach them don’t follow the repeated errors. It takes 4 to 6 hours to edit 1st tool schedule on Project 2003, as well as edit by manual. While it save huge modify time under EC and schedule conflict of machine and resource. It takes 75% time off hereafter the 2nd tool of similar pattern by modify the discrepancy data on last tool template. New schedule is reality and has inter-connection with four tier schedules.


mold virtual monitor management


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