  • 學位論文


Calculation and Analysis of Mold Price for Injection Molding

指導教授 : 陳夏宗


中文摘要 3C產業的持續發展,射出成型模具的需求也相對提高,而產品外觀造型也比以往更加的要求之下,模具的加工就顯得更重要,然而模具價格與品質存在著相對的關係,若模具要有好的品質及壽命,在模具設計、模具鋼材的選用與製造加工方式則是重要關鍵。所以模具價格也會相對的提高。然而客戶在模具的發包與模具廠商接單的同時,都有著各自的需求;客戶要有合理價格與品質良好的模具,而模具廠商希望合理的利潤及易於開發的模具。但要如何在客戶及模具廠商之間取得平衡點,使雙方都能得到合理的價格則是關鍵,亦是本研究所探討的重點。 由於模具是屬於高度客製化的產業,不同的模具有不同的估算方式,如汽車產業的大型模具估價方式與3C產業的計算方式就有著差異存在,前著偏向成本類比估算法,而後著屬於成本函數估算法。所以本論文將以射出成型模具價格之計算來分析,針對模具價格的不透明化之現況做探討,提出模具估價透明化後的優點與好處。再將模具製造相關流程做深入探討。然後將模具估價可分為 (1)材料成本;(2)加工成本;(3)管銷成本;(4)利潤。四個部份做探討提出合理的模具估價理論。 以模具設計的觀念推導出模具價格的計算方法並運用本研究所提出的估價理論,對A公司案例做探討分析,與模具廠的報價比對,找出其成本結構,建立一套對A公司與模具廠皆合理的模具價格計算方式。最後對此模具價格計算方式做總結,提出未來之展望。


ABSTRACT Injection mold manufacture has become more and more important for the requirement of product quality and design. Mold quality and mold price have the influence in mold quality and mold life. But mold quality and mold life will depend on mold design, mold material and manufacture technique. Usually, customer and mold vendor always want to have good price to each other. Due to the competition of mold manufacture factory and cost down of company, the mold price will unreasonable and the mold quality will be ignored. That had caused many problems in the operation of mold manufacture factory and product quality. In this study, the mold price calculation and analysis had been discussed in detail. And mold price calculation methods had been brought out to get the balance of mold price between customer and mold vendor. The mold price also had been classified into four parts: (1).Cost of material, (2). Cost of manufacture, (3). Cost of overhead, (4) Profit. And can provide feasible mold price calculation conception. Base on Mold design concept that infers the methods for mold price calculation, that had got a structure of cost and build a rule for A company and mold vendor. From this study, it will lead to a better understanding on the structure of mold price. This study also provides customer and mold vendor a mold price calculation method for purchasing.


Mold design Injection Mold price


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