  • 學位論文


The effects of gender, perceived family functioning, and temperament of grade 5 to 6 students on their internalizing problems

指導教授 : 譚偉象


摘要 本研究目的為(一)了解不同性別之國小高年級學童之兒童內化問題發展是否有差異;(二)了解家庭功能向度是否與兒童內化問題的發生有關;(三)了解兒童氣質是否與兒童內化問題的產生有關;(四)家庭功能與兒童氣質之交互作用是否對兒童內化問題產生影響;以及(五)兒童性別、家庭功能以及兒童氣質等變項能否有效預測兒童內化問題。本研究以國小高年級學生為研究對象,以立意取樣台北縣市及桃園縣共六所國小,共獲509份有效資料。本研究以「家庭功能量表」、「學齡兒童氣質量表」以及「兒童行為與情緒檢核表-教師版(Child Behavior Checklist-Teacher’s Report Form, TRF)」之內化問題症狀量表等三份量表為研究工具。結果發現:(1)性別與兒童內化問題間無顯著相關;(2)家庭功能與兒童內化問題間關係:學童家庭功能中以問題解決、溝通及情感反應與兒童內化問題呈顯著負相關。以不同性別分別進行相關分析,結果顯示以問題解決和溝通與男童內化問題呈顯著負相關;對女童而言,兩者呈不顯著負相關;(3)兒童氣質與兒童內化問題間關係:兒童之規律性、趨避性以及情緒本質與兒童內化問題呈顯著負相關。以不同性別分別進行相關分析,發現規律性、趨避性以及情緒本質與男童內化問題呈顯著負相關;而以趨避性、反應強度和情緒本質與女童內化問題呈顯著負相關;(4)家庭功能與兒童氣質及其交互作用對兒童內化問題之影響:以問題解決、角色責任與任務、溝通、情感反應、規律性、趨避性、反應強度、情緒本質、以及情感反應與反應強度之交互作用對兒童內化問題具主要效果。依不同性別分別進行二因子變異數分析,顯示規律性和情緒本質對男童內化問題具主要效果;而以問題解決、角色責任與任務、溝通、情感反應、規律性、趨避性、反應強度、情緒本質、問題解決與反應強度之交互作用、溝通與反應強度之交互作用、以及情感反應與反應強度之交互作用對女童內化問題具主要效果;(5)以兒童性別、家庭功能以及兒童氣質等變項進行兒童內化問題之預測迴歸分析,結果顯示情緒本質、趨避性、反應強度及規律性等四個變項較能預測兒童內化問題。以迴歸分析預測分別男女童內化問題,結果顯示規律性和情緒本質較能有效預測男童內化問題;而以情緒本質、反應強度和趨避性等三個變項較能有效預測女童內化問題。 本研究以生理心理社會模式(Biopsychosocial Model)以了解兒童內化問題,建議心理衛生相關人員需同時考慮生理、心理以及社會等三方面因素方能有效預測兒童內化問題。


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of gender, perceived family functioning, and temperament of grade 5 to 6 students on their internalizing problems. The participants in this study included 509 fifth- and sixth-grade elementary school students in Taipei City, Taipei County and Taoyuan County. The instruments used in the study included Family Function Scale、Middle Childhood Temperament Questionnaire, and Child Behavior Checklist-Teacher’s Report Form (TRF). The main results of this study as follows: 1. There was no significant difference of gender among grade 5 to 6 students on internalizing problems. 2. There was significant relationship between some of the family functioning factors and the internalizing problems: for boys, problems-solving and communication were significantly correlated to boys’ internalizing problems;however, there was no correlation between family functioning and girls’ internalizing problems. 3. There was significant relationship between temperaments and internalizing problems. For boys, rhythmicity, approach or withdrawal, and quality of mood were significantly correlated to boys’ internalizing problems, for girls, there were significant correlations between approach or withdrawal, intensity of reaction and quality of mood, and girls’ internalizing problems. 4. The factors of family functioning, the temperaments and their interaction had main effects on children’s internalizing problems. For boys, rhythmicity and quality of mood had main effects on boys’ internalizing problems. For girls, problems-solving, roles, communication, affective responsiveness, rhythmicity, approach or withdrawal, intensity of reaction, quality of mood, interactions of problems-solving and intensity of reaction, of communication and intensity of reaction, and of affective responsiveness and intensity of reaction had main effects on girls’ internalizing problems. 5. The elementary school students’ temperament of approach or withdrawal, quality of mood, rhythmicity and intensity of reaction could predict their internalizing problems. For boys, quality of mood and rhythmicity could predict boys’ internalizing problems. For girls, quality of mood, intensity of reaction and approach or withdrawal could predict girls’ internalizing problems. Based on these findings, implications for parents, education institutes, and further research are proposed.




