  • 學位論文


Research Application and Development of Occidental Wooden Roof Truss during the Japanese governance of Taiwan

指導教授 : 堀込憲二 黃俊銘


論文摘要 洋式木屋架構造在台灣的應用與發展上,從荷西時期即有洋人開始將其帶入台灣, 但是其構造在台灣的主要發展時期,則是在1895 年台灣進入日治時期後,隨著來台的日 人建築技師,將此構造技術帶入台灣,而逐漸廣泛應用在各類建築之中。因此本論文所 研究的課題,主要是探討台灣地區的洋式木屋架構造,從日治時期之前的應用概況,到 進入日治時期後的廣泛運用情形,以及其構造技術與構造觀念上所產生的變遷歷程,並 舉例說明重要的建築個案與現場調查情況。另外對於此構造在相關的知識方面,如:此 構造的構造原理與方式、各類洋式木屋架的形式與構法、當時木材的材料來源與製材規 格等,亦皆有簡略的提及,但在相關深入的內容上,仍須待後續研究加強。本研究各章 節的內容包括: 第一章 序論 研究的動機、目的、課題、範圍與對象、方法與流程與調查案例的說明。 第二章 日治時期洋式木屋架的基本類型與構造方式 參考當時的構造書籍,針對洋式木屋架的結構特性、構造類型,以及其構件的接合 與鐵件使用的方式,做一敘述與介紹。 第三章 台灣日治時期洋式木屋架構造的導入與應用 對於洋式木屋架構造導入台灣的歷程做一論述,並針對此構造在導入台灣後,在受 到台灣木材材料來源與製材規格的影響為何?以及此構造在實際應用的情況,與其 使用限制作一描述與討論。 第四章 台灣日治時期洋式木屋架構造的發展 針對台灣日治時期重大的震災、相關建築法令的頒佈、鋼鐵與鋼筋混凝土構造興起、 日本木構造技術的發展,以及二次大戰資材受到節約與限制等方面,來討論洋式木 屋架構造在各項影響因素的影響下,對其整體構造技術與構造觀念上的影響與變遷。 第五章 結論 將洋式木屋架構造的應用狀況與構造觀念的演變相互整合,以建立洋式木屋架構造 在台灣日治時期的應用與發展分期。


屋架 木構造 建築 日治時期 構造 木屋架


Abstract For the Dutch and Spanish colonial period, the usage and development of the occidental wooden roof truss were transported into Taiwan by western people. However, this structure become mature during the Japanese colonial period( 1895-1945) . Japanese architects transported this structural skill and wed it in various sorts of architecture. As a result, this thesis is going to discuss the usage of occidental wooden roof truss in Taiwan from before the Japanese colonial period to the late Japanese colonial period, discuss the changing in the skills and concepts of this structure, and give examples of cases of buildings and current situations of buildings. In addition, the relative knowledge of this structure, for instance, the principles and methods of construction, various types and structure of wooden truss, the scales and resource of materials, are going to the discussed as well. The relative research will be continuously done. This thesis includes following chapters. Chapter 1 Overview The motivation, purpose, topic, scope, objects, methods and flows of the study and the illustration of the investigated cases. Chapter 2 The basic types and construction methods of the occidental wooden roof truss in Japanese colonial period This paper will go through many construction books at that time, and describe and explain the structural features and types, the connections of structural members and how the iron pieces were used. Chapter 3 The introduction and application of western wood house frames in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation The history of introduction of occidental wooden roof truss transported into Taiwan will be carefully elaborated, and the influence of the sources and lumber specifications of wood materials in Taiwan to these constructions and the actual applications of them will be described and explained. Chapter 4 The development of occidental wooden roof truss in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period This paper will discuss the influences and changes to the overall construction techniques and concepts under various factors of influence, such as major earthquakes during Japanese colonial period, the publication of architectural codes, the rise of steel and reinforced concrete structures, the development of wood construction techniques in Japan and the restrains and limits of materials during World War II, etc. Chapter 5 Conclusion In this chapter, the status of application of occidental wooden roof truss and the evolution of construction concepts will be integrated to establish the different periods of application and development of the occidental wooden roof truss in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period.


‧《日治時期台灣鋼鐵構造建築應用發展之研究》,蘇振銘,1998 ,私立中原大學建築碩論。
‧《台灣地區現況之調查研究》,黃俊銘, 1991,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告。


