  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Factors Effecting the Combining Performance of Easycard and Electronic-Commerce

指導教授 : 劉立倫


悠遊卡自2002年9月30日全面上市,迄2010年4月為止,業已超過1800萬張,每日平均交易量約300萬筆,是全目前台灣最大規模的交通IC票證系統。日前受限於銀行法之規定,其應用範為僅止於交通領域。然而,自2009年通過「電子票證發行管理條例」,悠遊卡公司於2010年取得執照,並於同年4月小額消費正式上線,宣告台灣電子票證的發展的時代正式來臨。另,隨著科技的進步及網際網路普及化的影響,為因應快速發展的消費及金融環境,使得以往以現金支付的方式則逐漸被卡片化的付款方式所取代,電子商務(electronic-commerce, EC)也因而迅速興起。電子商務是目前最為常見且熱門之應用服務,不只讓消費者可以輕鬆購物,也為企業締造龐大商機。因此本研究以悠遊卡與電子商務作為研究標的,採用專家意見之方式,利用模糊層級分析法進行,探討影響兩者結合之關鍵因素為何?及各因素的重要性又為何? 研究結果發現五大構面中,以系統技術面、行銷及顧客因素面兩大構面之權重值最高,分別為25.8%及25.7%。透過串聯後的各細部準則,前三名分別為顧客資料保密性(9.12%)、法令制(修)訂與主管機關之規範(8.19%)、正確性及安全性(8%),因此業者可針對較為重要的項目進行企業體檢,以彌補弱勢,強化優勢,進而提高企業競爭力。擬欲跨入電子商務及電子票證領域之企業,於初期資源有限及規模不大時,則可針對上述重要之關鍵因素進行資源配置,達到以最少資源創造最大效用的競爭優勢。


From Sep. 30, 2002 to April, 30, 2010, Easycard entered the market and has more than 18 million cards. Easycard’s average number of daily transactions is about 3 million. At present, Easy Card is the largest extensive IC cards system in Taiwan.Limited to The Banking Act of The Republic of China a few days ago, its range of application was only stopped in traffic field. However, Act Governing the Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards has approved since 2009, Easycard Corporation obtained the license in 2010 and Easycard’s small-value purchase function goes online in April of the same year, declared the formal arrival of times of development of IC Ticketing System of Taiwan. Along with technical progress and Internet's popularize influence, for in accordance to fast development consumption and financial environment, way that make in the past paying in cash replace term of payment of card gradually.Electronic-commerce also therefore rises rapidly. Electronic-commerce is the most common and popular application service at present. Consumers can shop easily and enterprise can obtain the huge opportunity. So this research does take Easycard and Electronic-commerce as the research aim, uses the expert opinion and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to go on. What does the discussion affect both union the key factor? And why is it and each the importance of the factor? The result of research discovered that in five factors, with the system technology factor, the marketing and consumer factor, are the highest, it is 25.8% and 25.7% respectively. Though each detail criterion, the top three is customer’s material secrecy, the lawmaking and controlling organization's standard, the accuracy and security. So entrepreneur can aim at a more important project to carry on the enterprise physical examination, in order to make up the weak tendency, strengthen the superiority, and then improve enterprise’s competitiveness. If enterprise wants to join in the field of Electronic-commerce and IC Ticketing System, when initial resources are limited and the scale is not big, it can carry on the important key factor to distribute the resources, achieve by the least resources creation biggest benefit competitive advantage.




許呈禎(2015)。結合悠遊卡推動影印服務業務對公司經營獲利之影響 —以X公司為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500351
