  • 學位論文


Design of Mini-Bioreactor for Immunoassay

指導教授 : 張耀仁


摘要 近年來生物科技快速崛起,其中微陣列晶片為目前極需開發之市場,因此微陣列晶片的周邊設備也成為發展的重點,本研究提出一種方便操作者使用的晶片反應工具,開發一生物晶片雜交、免疫反應模組提供晶片反應機制研究,稱之為小型生化反應器。此小型生化反應器具有溫度控制,濕度控制,攪拌控制和生化反應的綜合功能。我們使用制冷器作為加熱裝置,溫度控制採用模糊控制系統,以提供精確的溫度控制系統,使溫度變化控制在 0.2C的範圍內。與傳統烘箱相比此小型生化反應器不但提供了較精確的溫度控制,在加熱速度上也比傳統烘箱以更快的時間達到所需的溫度。濕度控制則是使用超音波霧化器產生濕氣使此小型生化反應器腔體內的溼度維持在70%,以防止試劑乾燥。實驗證明,提供良好的溫度控制,使生物晶片在穩定的溫度環境下進行免疫反應,可使免疫反應的誤差縮小。另外,此小型生化反應器內更架設壓電蜂鳴片裝置,利用壓電蜂鳴片產生擾動效果,提供了傳統烘箱所沒有的擾動機制。經實驗證明,在生化免疫反應進行中,提供適當的震動,有助於提高免疫反應的效果,可以有效的縮短生化免疫反應進行的時間。由於該模組結構簡單並提供了許多優於傳統烘箱的優點,例如在能源效率上的有效運用,增強生化反應的進行,精確的控制系統,以及廉價的製造成本,因此可以大幅縮短生化研發時間亦可降低生化實驗的建置成本。


This paper presents a novel design of mini-bioreactor with integrated functions, including temperature control, humidity control, and agitation control, for the biochemical reactions. Using thermoelectric cooling elements as heaters, the temperature was precisely controlled using fuzzy control algorithm so that the variation of temperature was within  0.2C. Compared with the conventional oven, it had rapid rising time to reach the desired temperature. The humidity was controlled at 70% using an ultrasonic atomizer to prevent reagents drying out. In addition, the agitation was generated using piezoelectric buzzer for enhancing the biochemical reaction. To verify the performance of mini-bioreactor, the immunoassay reactions were carried out using nitrocellulose protein chips. The experimental results of immunoassays show that the mini-bioreactor achieved the performance as the conventional oven, but had smaller variation of fluorescence intensities owing to the stable temperature control. Moreover, the immunoassay reactions can be enhanced under adequate agitation. For this proposed mini-bioreactor module, 2-Hz agitation gave the best result. The average fluorescence intensity was raised under agitation. With the assistance of agitation, the necessary incubation time can be significantly reduced. Since the structure of this module is simple, it offers many advantages over conventional ovens such as vast improvements in energy efficiency, enhancements in biochemical reactions, precise process control, and inexpensive fabrication cost.


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