  • 學位論文


A consumer recommendation system based on the understandings of on-line word-of-mouth

指導教授 : 戚玉樑




While the usage of Internet becomes more popular, users can interact with each other via Internet. Users can share their experience and opinions through the forums or blogs, such a process therefore can form Electronic Word-Of-Mouth(eWOM). Users are getting relying on the information of eWOM to help themselves to make decisions.In order to let the computers get the implicit meaning of eWOM, previous research work on adopting information retrieval method for extracting the contents. The concepts which collected from text-oriented data may not compatible with the problem domain that we face. Our work uses the recommendations of restaurants as the problem domain, to solve the issue above, we employed a problem-solving method, formal concept analysis, to define the sub-concepts of problem domain with domain experts’ knowledge. After mapping the discovered concepts and the lexicons which extracted by text-mining technique, our work uses the information to operate for restaurant recommendation.Based on our research, we developed a system to accomplish the goal that reduce the decision-making cost of choosing restaurants by the users. To review the framework of this research, a questionnaire is employed to evaluate using this system which based on the framework. The result of the questionnaire shows the efficiency and completeness of the system is more fitting to the users’ need.


Recommendation System Ontology eWOM


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