  • 學位論文


Application of House of Quality on Requirements for Website Development

指導教授 : 陳育欣


隨著科技的進步,網站的資訊便利性使得人們大量應用其於生活之中。大多數公司組織都會有其專屬的網站,無論是交由公司內資訊部門或是外包給網站製作公司建置,網站建置流程就像軟體建置一樣,也需要一套結構完整的流程來使建置過程受到控管。近年來台灣政府正在推行「CMMI提升資訊軟體品質計畫」,能力成熟度整合模式(CMMI)這是一套國際間認同且廣泛通用的一種軟體標準製造程序,台灣也將CMMI納入國家評鑑標準之中,欲藉此提升台灣軟體品質並提升在全球軟體產業的競爭力。 在網站建置過程都是從瞭解顧客需求開始,並與顧客討論得其需求,必須進行嚴謹的管理,好的需求管理會有效地成為建立專案的基礎,若是不良的需求管理就容易產生專案成本、資源的浪費並使顧客滿意度下降等情形產生;且經由研究發現,軟體專案無法達到原先預期主就是因為需求不完善與需求的變更等原因。而在CMMI Level 2中就明確針對軟體需求管理流程進行控管,利用其特定執行方法與一般執行方法給定需要達成的目標以便管理需求。 本研究會利用CMMI Level 2所訂定的需求管理流程進行網站建置時的需求管理,並利用德菲法與多位在網站建置有經驗之專家討論來瞭解網站建置的現況,使用做問卷的方式去取得網站建置時與顧客需求相關的網站品質項目,最後以IEEE std 830-1998為藍本,結合這些問卷所得到的與利用CMMI Level 2需求管理所建置的文件來建置軟體專案常用的需求規格書範本,此需求規格書可以提供顧客與開發者有一個共同的需求認知之依據,提供給開發者開發時明確資訊,並可以藉由此需求規格書進行未來測試、驗證等文件撰寫,以提供網站建置時使用。 透過本研究所得之需求相關文件,可以減少顧客與開發者需求認知上的差異,並降低不良的需求管理所造成網站建置專案時的浪費,進而提升網站建置之品質與成效,也提供網站建置之組織在開發工作上導入CMMI 需求管理之方向。


As one of most important technologies in 21st century, websites provide information convenient to their users. To build an effective website, a systematic process to manage website development is required. Taiwanese government recently is promoting "CMMI improve software quality plan", which is a common and widely recognized an international software development processes. Taiwanese government also incorporates CMMI into national evaluation standard as a way to boost Taiwan’s software quality and competitiveness in the global software industry. Website building process starts by understanding customer needs through discussions. A rigorous requirement management is essential because it forms the foundation of the project development. A bad requirement management could easily cause project cost overrun, wasted resources, and decline in customers’satisfaction. Studies have shown that software projects typically cannot meet original expectation because main requirements are inadequate and further updates are required. CMMI Level 2 provides guidelines for requirement management to manage the critical area of software development more systematically and efficiently. In this study, the CMMI Level 2 framework is applied to the requirement management aspect of website development. The Delphi method, which involves discussions among a number of experienced experts is also applied. In order to gather experts’ opinions, a website development questionnaire involved customer needs and the software quality is created. Finally, based on the document of IEEE std 830-1998 combined with results from the survey, a template for software requirement specification (SRS) is generated. This document provides the basis, a reference point for both customers and website developers. The information provided through the documents, template and the results of this research facilitate reduction of resource misuse associated with poor requirement management and enhance the quality and effectiveness of website development.


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