  • 學位論文


Applying the Method of Quality Function Deployment on the Product Planning of Pushchairs

指導教授 : 李朝金


台灣的嬰兒推車廠商,至今大多仍只能盲目跟從客戶的指令而設計製造,但卻無法掌握市場的主導權,也無法進行完全自主的新產品研發,究其根本原因就在於缺少產品企劃之能力。不過由於消費者的需求經常是難以說清楚的,因而唯有系統化的研究的方式,才能深入發掘目標消費者的需求和渴望。本研究尋求應用一套有系統的方法,以導入於嬰兒推車產品開發前之「產品策略規劃」工作,並驗證本研究所設計之方法在應用於嬰兒推車產品上的可行性。本研究係以研究者所服務的企業為主要對象,且以台灣地區之使用者為研究範圍。 經審視本研究主題、目的及範圍,並就各種研究方法加以探索與瞭解之後,決定以「品質機能展開法」作為本研究的方法主軸。研究過程歷經文獻探討、研究流程與方法的設定,再經過實際的品質機能展開運作過程。主要的研究結論如下:在本研究中已設計出品質機能展開法運用在嬰兒推車企劃時應有之步驟與展開細節,並實際運用此方法實施品質機能展開。其實施結果顯示該方法確能從原始的消費者的需求資訊著手,並有效推演出在實務觀點上頗為合理的產品企劃方針。因此可以推論本研究所設計之方法確可應用在嬰兒推車的產品企劃工作上面,所以本研究之主要目的可謂已經達成。


The current situation of average stroller manufacturers in Taiwan is that although they are excellent both in design and manufacturing, however, they barely could follow the instructions from their customers blindly for their product development and manufacturing. As a result, they still remain untouched with any chance of dominating the market so far, even developing new products independently is yet a rare ability among them. The main reason behind this is that they are mostly in lack of the capability of product planning. Since user needs, that are the key of product planning, are usually either latent or simply difficult to articulate; thus there is an imperative for a systematic method, which can uncover the real user needs and wants effectively. This research is aimed at developing such a systematic approach, which is suitable for use in strategic product planning for strollers, and at verifying the validity of this approach. The research is done with the scope of Taiwanese market and the company that the researcher is employed. According to the topic, aim and scope of this research, the QFD method was chosen as the backbone methodology. Through literature review, planning of research process, and the implementation of QFD methodology, the following conclusion was reached: A systematic product planning approach based on QFD methodology was organized and implemented in this research. This implementation showed that meaningful product planning results can be reached with original user needs being processed through this approach. Thus it can be concluded that a valid approach was developed through this research, and its suitability for the task of stroller product planning was also verified. Therefore, the aim of this research had been fulfilled successfully.


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