  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Wound Dressing Combing Dragon's Blood and Alginate in Wound Healing

指導教授 : 翁清松


創傷傷口是感染細菌與發炎的主要途徑之一,皮膚外傷常見於各種損傷或疾病,例如挫傷、燒傷、燙傷、褥瘡與傷口久不癒合等。一個暴露在外的傷口不僅造成疼痛,也易成為外來微生物入侵的管道。血竭為生肌類的處方劑,為中國醫學典籍中所記載,臨床上多運用於外敷皮膚潰瘍處,加速皮膚創口癒合。因此,本論文選擇血竭為主要藥材,做成促進傷口癒合功用之敷材。 本論文分為三個部分,第一部份是探討血竭基本化性的作用,萃取後使用FT-IR與UV測量血竭素的官能基與濃度;第二部份是利用凍乾技術,將適量的血竭萃取液加入海藻酸溶液,使海藻酸鹽( Alginate )和血竭混合後凍乾,研製出一種舒適且具高吸液量的傷口敷料。並根據中國創傷敷材檢測手法Y-K-K-23測試其吸液量與溶質損失率。再依據ISO10993-5做血竭敷材細胞毒性測試,可觀察不同濃度的血竭是否可刺激細胞增生,或者抑制細胞生長。最後,參照AATCC 147 抗菌試驗法做抗菌測試;第三部份傷口癒合實驗是將標準6週的大鼠12隻做2cm x 2cm的背部傷口皮膚,進行三組(血竭敷材、海藻酸鹽敷材與紗布)三階段(6天、12天、18天)的傷口癒合評估。 實驗結果顯示,血竭萃取出的血竭素,在定性方面血竭溶液和血竭粉末所呈現FT-IR的光譜都在1200 nm。在定量方面,UV的吸收波長和濃度呈正比,若對光敏感的材料則無法準確測量。在製造過程中加入氯化鈣交聯劑。交聯後的血竭複合敷料能吸收傷口滲液不致潰散,吸收傷口滲出液倍率為700%,經交聯後的血竭敷材無細胞毒性,並可提供良好的保濕性使傷口能在濕潤環境中生長。在AATCC 147測試中亦能有效的抑制金黃葡萄球菌的產生。由動物實驗顯示血竭敷料在與對照組比對下,第12天血竭傷口癒合率比對照組多30%以上。 血竭是很好的創傷材料且具有抗發炎與促進傷口癒合,一般都只用在煎液、膠囊粉、酊劑等方式塗抹傷口使用,但皆必須包覆紗布,反而造成換藥時的2次傷害。在我們做成血竭敷料後,不但使功能具有原本的效果,更能避免與外界污染、吸收滲液、保護傷口,使創傷能在溼潤的環境中癒合的更完整。


凍乾 血竭 海藻酸鹽 細胞毒性 傷口癒合


The wound is one of the main causes of bacterial infection and inflammation. Skin wound is common in various trauma and disease, such as abrasion, burn, diabetes, deceits and lasting-opened wound. A lasting-opened wound not only causes painfulness but also triggers invasion of microorganism. Dragon’s Blood is one kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which promotes wound healing and has been used to cover skin wound. The purpose of this research was to develop a wound dressing made with Dragon’s Blood, and investigate its function in wound healing. The study included three parts. The first part was to investigate the basic properties of Dragon’s Blood. The concentration and functional group of Dragon’s Blood were measure by FT-IR and UV after the process of extraction. The second part was to make a composite dressing combining with Dragon’s Blood and alginate lyophilization. Liquid absorbance and solute loss of the composite dressing was then evaluated, according to China wound dressing testing method Y-K-K-23. Cytotoxicity was also investigated according to ISO 10993-5. Cytotoxicity of wound dressing made by Dragon’s Blood was investigated. The cytotoxicity test could analyze whether different concentration of Dragon’s Blood would stimulate or inhibit cell growth. Finally, anti-bacteria test was processed following AATCC 147. In the third part of wound healing experiment, 12 Rats with 6-week-old were used. A wound (2x2cm2) was cut on their back at three places. The wound healing effects of Dragon’s blood dressing, alginate dressing, and gauze were evaluated repeatedly at day six, day twelve and day eighteen. In the experiment results, dracorhodin extraction from Dragon’s Blood showed similar FT-IR peak (1200nm) in Dragon’s Blood solution and Dragon’s Blood powder. In quantitative analysis, its absorption was proportional to concentration; however it could not be measured to light-sensitive material. Calcium chloride was added as a cross-linker in the manufacturing process. The cross-linked Dragon’s blood mixed dressing could absorb fluid with integrity. The absorption percentage was 700%. And it was proved that the dressing was cytotoxicity free, and provided good moisture environment for wound healing. The test result of AATCC 147 showed that it could inhibit Staphylococcus aureus growth. In animal experiment compared to control group, Dragon’s Blood dressing could promote wound healing on 12th day, which was 30% upper better than control. Dragon’s Blood has been proved an effective material for wound healing. It has the properties of anti-inflammation and wound-recovery promotion. However, it is used as boil, powder and ointment to treat wound. These treatments cause second-time damage when replace the gauze. For our invention of Dragon’s Blood wound dressing, it not only kept the advantages of Dragon’s Blood, but also prevented contamination, promoted exudates absorption, protected wound and maintained moist environment for better wound healing.


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