  • 學位論文


Analyzing Errors of Korean Students in Studying Chinese Directional Complements and Teaching Design

指導教授 : 黃麗儀


陸儉明(1992)、呂文華(2008)等指出漢語補語由於結構多變、語義複雜,因而成了對外漢語教學中的一大難點,在漢語補語中,又以趨向補語最常用、結構和語義最複雜,對韓籍學習者而言,母語無相對應形式的情況下,更增加了趨向補語的難度,此外,在前人研究中,孟國(2011)便指出前人對漢語補語的本體研究成果非常豐富,但對趨向補語的教學研究中多侷限於學生母語與漢語補語的對比研究,在偏誤分析及教學設計方面的文獻相對較少,針對韓籍學習者的趨向補語偏誤分析與教學研究更是寥寥可數。在面對這些情況下,本研究旨在瞭解韓籍學習者使用漢語趨向補語的偏誤情形及偏誤發生原因,並針對韓籍學習者建構出一套漢語趨向補語教學語法排序後,進行教學設計。 本文以Sridhar(1975)提出的六個偏誤分析步驟為研究方法理論基礎,分別是:蒐集資料、找出偏誤、把偏誤歸類為類型、查明偏誤類型的頻率、尋找目標語的困難所在、治療,在最後「治療」的步驟中,加上訪談及後續教學上的研究,以求教學研究上的完整性。 偏誤分析結果發現,韓籍學習者在使用漢語趨向補語時,以語義的偏誤最為嚴重,語義的偏誤數量(224句)遠超過結構偏誤數量(29句);語義方面,以引申義偏誤數量(165句)較基本義偏誤句數(30句)多出許多;在引申義中,又以引申結果義的偏誤最嚴重;以《漢語水平標準與語法等級大綱》來看,則以乙級最嚴重,224句中有142句。本研究根據從鄧守信提出的「對外漢語語法點難易度的評定原則」為理論基礎,以「語義透明度」、「語法點的語義具有需靠語境來詮釋時,困難度高」、「跨語言差距越大,困難度越高」三點分析趨向補語引申義中各語義的難易度,接著,搭配偏誤分析結果對趨向補語引申語義重新進行教學語法排序。在教學設計方面,本研究以對偏誤情況最嚴重的引申結果義,即引申義教學第一階段和第二階段進行教學設計,本研究基於Ausubel(1965)提出的認知概念和呂文華(2008)提出的補語教學建議為教學設計原則進行教學設計與實施,透過第二次測驗結果發現韓籍學習者在經過教學語法排序與教學內容設計後,有效地降低學習難度。 根據整體的研究過程與分析結果,本研究認為在針對韓籍學習者習得趨向補語教學上,應該透過教學語法的系統,建立一套整體性的漢語趨向補語教學內容;在教學原則上,可將動趨結構的組合視為詞彙和語法的過渡階段進行教學;在教學方式上,可多利用學習者已知的趨向補語基本義的方向認知,帶入模糊、抽象的引申義,並適時使用肢體輔助教學,幫助學習者將抽象的語義轉化成實際的肢體動作概念,本研究期能藉由上述的研究結果提供未來教師針對韓籍學習者習得漢語趨向補語教學上或教材編寫參考。


Directional complement is the most frequently used complement in Mandarin Chinese. Not only the viraibility of semantic increases the confusion but also the complexity of structure makes it difficult for Korean students. Furthermore, since directional complement has its uniqueness and particularity, so it will also raise the complexity for Koreans. Under this circumstances, this study aimed to analyze the errors of directional complement from Korean students and to find out the reasons why Korean students make errors. Based on these analyzing results, this study reconstructed a pedagogical grammar of directional complement for Korean students. According to the findings of this study are listed as follows: 1. The quantity of semantic errors are more than the quantity of structure errors. 2. In the semantic errors, the errors of extended meanings are more than the errors of literal meanings. 3. In the extended meanings, the errors of resultative meanings are more than the errors of conditional meanings. Based on the transparency of semantic, the necessity of context, the cross-linguistic comparison and the results of analyzing the errors, this study reconstructed the pedagogical grammar of directional complement for Korean students. The teaching design provides examples for the resultative meanings that are also in the new pedagogical grammar level 1 and level 2. At the end of this study, the suggestions of teaching extended meanings of directional complement are listed as follows: 1. To construct a complete and systematic pedagogical grammar of directional complement is an effective way of learning directional complement for Korean students. 2. In the principle of teaching directional complement, it is a feasible way to look the verb-directional complement construction as a combination of lexicon and grammar. 3. In the methods of teaching directional complement, linking the cognition and new knowledge by using animation, pictures, arrowheads and body language can decrease the difficulty of learning directional complement.


