  • 學位論文

坡地安全監測系統於捷運隧道開挖過程 管控之案例研討

Evaluating the effectiveness study for uphill slope monitoring system using in MRT tunnel excavation

指導教授 : 張達德


近年來,隨著台灣經濟的迅速發展,在平地資源有限的情況下,山坡地的使用逐漸多元化。加上交通運輸工程隨之興起,為了適應多山少平原的地形條件,故將其地下化,以大量隧道穿越丘陵、山區或市區,為未來不可避免的趨勢。 本研究區域為桃園縣龜山鄉之坡地學校(龍華科技大學),其坡地安全監測自92年起執行至今。因捷運新莊線新莊機廠山岳隧道規劃穿越光啟中學,隧道末端鄰本研究區域邊坡下方。故於開挖前(99年10月),將捷運局的監測系統納入原有監測系統內,與捷運局同步監測及交叉比對,以提昇整體監測系統之完整性與準確性。 本研究利用傾斜管及傾度盤之數據分析,並透過與捷運局量測數據比對,針對各點位整體趨勢進行分析研討。而後評估整體坡地及建築物之穩定性與安全性,有效掌握隧道開挖過成中之坡地狀況,達到預警、防災、避災之目的。


In recent years, as the economic development has been growing rapidly in Taiwan, the use of the hillside gradually diversified. Plus transportation engineering along with the rise of, in order to meet the terrain conditions, the trend of future development is use of the tunnel through the hills, the mountains or the urban district. The research area was a school (Lunghwa University of Science and Technology) located on the slopes of Gueishan Township, Taoyuan County. Slope safety monitoring in this area began being conducted after 2003. The Taipei Metro Xinzhuang Line Xinzhuang Depot mountain tunnel is planned to cross the Paul Hsu Senior High School, and the end of the tunnel is near the bottom of the slope for our research area. Therefore, before tunneling (October 2010), we integrated the Taipei Metro monitoring system into the original monitoring system and conducted simultaneous monitoring and cross analysis with the Taipei Metro to improve the integrity and accuracy of the overall monitoring system. This study used data analyses obtained from an inclinometer casing and a tiltmeter to analyze and discuss the overall trends of each point through comparison with the measured data from the Taipei Metro. Subsequently, we evaluated the stability and safety of the overall slope, as well as buildings, to understand the slope condition while tunneling. Therefore, we attained the goals of precaution, disaster prevention, and disaster reduction.


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