  • 學位論文


Apply Simulation to Solve a Final Assembly Scheduling with Potential Order and Price Influence

指導教授 : 宮大川


隨著經濟發展全球化的影響,使台灣工具機產品之銷售型態由區域性轉成全球性,且為了快速提供顧客完善的服務,進而延伸出各廠區的訂單分配、產能規劃、存貨策略以及供應商的存貨策略等問題,故本研究之研究範圍從產能預留、訂單分派、各廠區的排程與存貨策略,延伸到供應商採購之供應鏈問題,形成多階生產系統。 本研究探討對象為工具機產業,將採用MTS/CTO混合式生產環境模式,因工具機價值昂貴,通常顧客需經過審慎的評估以及洽談,才會確定下單,而導致洽談時間延長且需求難以預測,形成潛在性訂單,然而面對顧客無法確定實際下單時間之情況下,企業也無法快速做出完善的事先預測規劃。因此,本研究將利用最終組裝排程進行生產規劃與事先生產並完成模組,使等待的前置時間縮短,以解決顧客期望快速回應與縮短交期等問題。 於此,本研究將利用模擬進行求解,首先,將增設的門檻值進行調整,探討此波動變化對生產成本、存貨成本、達交率和利潤的影響;其次,透過顧客資訊分析來探討價格彈性對利潤所造成的變化,再利用FAS、FIFO、EDD三種排程所計算出的利潤,並探討其可因應的對策,來驗證研究結果是否符合顧客資訊分析表中的分析組合,使此結果可作為企業決策的參考。


With the impact of globalization of economic development, Taiwan's machine tool products sales patterns transferred from regional to global, and in order to quickly provide customers with appropriate services, companies extend the plant order allocation, capacity planning, inventory strategy and supplier's inventory strategy. So the scope of this study were to set aside from production, distribution orders, factory scheduling and inventory strategy extends to the suppliers of supply chain issues, resulting in the formation of a multi-stage production systems. The focus of this study is the machine tool industry. The MTS / CTO mixed mode of production environment, due to the high cost of machine tools, usually customers will only place an order after careful assessment and negotiations. This causes prolonged negotiations and is difficult for the supplier to predict the demands on potential orders. Facing the uncertainty with the orders, the enterprise cannot fully prepare its resources to satisfy the customers’ demands. Therefore, this study will use the final assembly scheduling, production planning and pre-production and the completion of the module, to shorten the lead time of waiting, and to address customer expectations quickly and shorten delivery time. In conclusion, this study will use the simulation to find solutions. First of all, adjust the new threshold to explore the impact of fluctuations in production costs, inventory costs, up to the cross rate and profit; Secondly, through the analysis of customer information to investigate the price flexibility effects on profits, and then take advantage of the FAS, FIFO, EDD calculated profits to explore the countermeasures to verify the results, to see whether they are in line with customer information analysis, so that this result can be a reference for enterprise’s’ decision making.


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