  • 學位論文


Simulation Analysis to a Multi-Stage Production-Inventory System with Potential Orders

指導教授 : 宮大川


工具機產業為我國外銷的重點產業之一,近年來也從以往的區域性轉為全球性。其主要目標是求快速提供顧客完善的服務,但卻也延伸出多廠區規劃的議題。其牽扯到各廠區之間的訂單分配、產能規劃、庫存管制等供應鏈問題,但其概念卻與生產-庫存系統如出一轍。故本研究範圍從產能預留、訂單分派、多廠區的產能規劃與庫存管制,延伸到供應商的庫存管制,形成多階的生產-庫存系統。 工具機產品其部分模組標準化程度較高,另一部分技術水準高,因此適合混合式生產規劃,本研究則採用MTS/CTO混合式生產模式增加企業競爭力。另外,因工具機機台價值昂貴,且獨特性高,因此顧客需經過多方審慎評估以及多次的與通路商洽談,導致需要冗長的洽談時間,形成了潛在性訂單的議題。 本研究主要目的為「建構在具潛在性訂單之因素下,多階供應鏈的生產-存貨之模擬模型」。其中增設門檻值,並且搭配多種的決策組合,包含:產能預留策略、訂單分派策略、各廠產能規劃策略、各廠存貨策略以及供應商存貨策略等策略。並且在透過本研究所建構模型模擬多種供應鏈決策組合後,衡量其所獲得之指標,如:生產成本、達交率、供應鏈中的庫存成本、工時貢獻度等,期盼透過此分析結果,評估各決策之優劣,使得企業能獲得更有效率與實際的幫助。


Machine tool industry is one of the key export industries in Taiwan, and it has been transformed from the previous regional industry into today's global industry in recent years. Though its main goal is to rapidly provide customers with satisfactory services, and also extends multi-site planning issues. And though these issues involve problems of supply chains between various sites such as assigning order, capacity planning, inventory management, its concepts are equivalent to that of production-inventory system. The scope of this research ranges from capacity reservation, order distribution, multi-site capacity planning and inventory control to suppliers’ inventory control, forming a multi level of production-inventory system. There is a high degree of standardization for the modules of machine tool products as well as a high level of technical standards; therefore, a suitable hybrid production plan is used in this research with the MTS/CTO mixed mode of production to increase the enterprises' competitiveness. In addition, because machine tools are expensive and unique, customers need careful assessments through many times of negotiation with the distributors; lengthy negotiations lead to potential order issue. The main purpose of this research is to construct a simulation model for production-inventory of multi-level supply chain under the factor of potential orders. In addition to a threshold value, it has a variety of policy-making combinations which includes capacity reservation strategy, order distribution strategy, multi-site capacity planning strategy, multi-site inventory strategy as well as supplier inventory strategy and other strategies. After simulating decision-making combination of multi-level supply chain through the model this research built, there are many indicators to measure production cost, order-filling rate, inventory costs in supply chain, and the contribution rate of working-hours. Hope that through this analysis and evaluation of various policies, enterprises could be more efficient with practical help.


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