  • 學位論文


A Study on Integration of Ant Colony Algorithm and Interactive Web Technology in an Indoor Autonomous Mobile Robot

指導教授 : 陳冠宇


摘要 隨著科技的進展,可預期將來會有許多出現在人類生活周遭、貼近人類生活的服務型機器人。本文發展之自主型服務機器人主要的服務內容為在辦公大樓的樓層間進行遞送郵件或包裹,位於不同辦公室的職員能隨時對機器人指派不同任務,進行辦公室與辦公室之間的遞送工作,當同時有多項任務被指派時,如何立即因應指派工作的變化,決定或變更一條省時的最佳化路徑是具有挑戰且值得研究的課題。身處複雜的工作環境中,導航與路徑規劃是自主型服務機器人必須具備的重要技術,本文使用蟻群最佳化演算法進行路徑規劃,在機器人接到新的工作任務後,會自動立即透過最佳化運算,重新安排任務地點的優先順序,找出最短距離的路徑,以確保工作效率。此外,本文整合ASP.NET伺服端動態網頁、MS-SQL資料庫、AJAX非同步處理及HTML5等技術,以互動式網頁技術開發友善的圖形化使用者介面,有別於傳統的應用程式介面,使用者不需額外安裝軟體,只要使用具有網頁瀏覽器且可連上網際網路的電腦或移動裝置,即可進入操作介面,監看此自主型服務機器人的即時動態狀態。


ABSTRACT With the rapid development of science and technology, it can be predicted that more and more service robots will be used in a wide variety of ways closer to human lives all around us. An autonomous service mobile robot which provides a service for packages and mails delivery during a floor in an office building is developed in this study. In different offices, every staff can assign tasks to deliver packages and mails through offices. When there are several tasks at the same time, how to adapt to the statement changes and determine or update an effective path is a worthy study for research. Working in a complex environment, navigation and path planning are two important technologies for autonomous service robots. In this study, we use the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to calculate service robot path planning. When the robot received a new task, it will automatically find the shortest path in real-time after rearranging the priority of locations order to ensure the operational efficiency using the ACO algorithm. Furthermore, we apply interactive web technologies to build a user-friendly web-based graphical user interface (GUI) by integration of server-side scripting technology for dynamic web pages (ASP.NET), MS-SQL database, asynchronously JavaScript technology and XML (AJAX), and HTML5. Unlike conventional applications, users need not install other software to access the web-based interface via any web browser which already installed in their computer or other mobile devices that can connect to the Internet for monitoring real-time status of the service robot on the web-based user interface.


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